amber: (sitting in armchair) *yawns and starts nodding off* man im tired...
kurama: *comes up behind armchair and kisses ambers head* ya honeysuckle, its 3 am. u should go to bed..
amber: *yawns* no i have to keep watch...
kurama: i could do the rest of it amber, plz, u look exausted.....
amber: no kurama, im fine... besides, i have to keep watch as a punishment. no tradeoffs.
kurama: then im staying up with u. *snuggles next to her*
amber: *leans on his shoulder* thx kuramanamanama.....
kurama: *smiles, then looks concerened* how much sleep have u gotten in the last few days amber??
amber: 3 maybe 4...
kurama: hours?!?
amber: *yawns* minutes..
kurama: in three days???
amber: mmhmm... *eyes droop*
kurama: amber, are u trying to kill urself?!?! this training is just draining u...
amber: im fine kurama....*voice slurs* jusalittle....sleepyz all..... *passes out*
kurama:hn.. shell be out for awhile..*shifts her onto his lap and stares out window* glad to have u back amber..
amber: *nuzzles head into his chest*
kurama: *eventually falls asleep with her*
---next morning---
amber: *wakes up and yawns* man, i needed that... *tries to get up but can't because kuramas arms are wrapped around her, and blushes* ummm.. kurama?
kurama: *still asleep* of course ill dance with u amanda bynes.... zzzz...
amber: *turns around and faces him, rolls her eyes and cups her hand over his ear as if to whisper in it* YO ROSIE!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!
kurama: *wakes w/ a start* phwa??!?!
amber: so how well does amanda dance?
kurama: *flushes red* ummm...
amber: dont "ummmm..." me. i heard u talking in ur sleep.
kurama: *cringes, thinking hes about to be slapped* im sorry!
amber: no, ull be sorry when im done with u!!!! *wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him* there. i dont think no amanda bynes can kiss like that now can she?
kurama: w-what? ur not mad?!?
amber: *gets up* of course not! i mean, amanda bynes? uk. uve got bad taste!
kurama:*sighs in releif* ok. maybe i do. *goes over to coffee pot* u want coffee amber?
amber: sure. i'll be right out. *goes in bedroom to change and locks door*
kurama: *out of earshot*
amber: *whips out cell phone and dials kyrins #*
hiei: hello?
amber: triclops? give kyrin the phone.
hiei: what do you want baka pirate onna?
amber: for u to stop wasting my time and give kyrin the phone!!
kyrin: *in background* hiei? who are u yelling at?
amber: whats that rushing sound?
hiei: kyrins in the shower. im sitting in the window outside the door waiting for her.
amber: awww. how much do u cost? 5ยข?
hiei: shut up. why did u call anyway? to insult me?
hiei: ow! geez, u dont have to yell. *yells to kyrin* KYRIN! THE BAKA PIRATE ONNAS ON THE PHONE!!
amber: *rolls eyes*
kyrin: *in towel* give me the phone hiei!! hello?
amber: kyrin! finally! watcha doin?
kyrin: -_- i was taking a shower.
amber: great.. so um... anyways.... could u maybe come to my house? through my bedroom window? w/o the idiot triclops?
kyrin: oh no, amber!!! what did u do?!??! *voice gets stern* did u kill kurama?
amber: no! just get here ok?
kyrin: fine, but hieis coming too.
amber: whatev.. *hangs up*
kyrin: *murmurs* she seems distressed... she didnt even care that hieis coming..
hiei: *wraps arms around her from behind and mutters in her ear* i may have had somethig to do w/ it...
kyrin: *rolls her eyes* figiures.
---back at ambers---
amber: *sitting on edge of bed, still in nightclothes* where is she??
kyrin: *pops through open window with hiei* shes here!
hiei: *sits on windowsill and looks away* im not enjoying this.
amber: *narrows eyes at him* no one said u have to. um... kyrin?
kyrin: *sits on bed next to amber* why r u so nervous amber? plz, just relax and tell me wats wrong..
amber: ok... *whispers in kyrins ear and covers her (her=ambers) head w/ a pillow* im a hyppocrite i know..
hiei: *listening telepathically* amber... how could u?!?!
kyrin: after he said all that from his heart... really amber, i thought u were better than that...

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