It's true it's true ~
For all the writing friends do for me all over the interwebz, it's time to return the favor.
I'm doing something totally cliche~!

Tasha; Tasha my love child you are pure win &3 Ever since were were made forcibly friends by our dear mothers (By the way we will continue this tradition lol) we have never been the same :3 You are more like a sister to me than anything, and know more about me than almsot anyone else, that's including me sadly. I wish I was able to see you more, but whenever i do it's always fun ^.^ Lol. You are the frank to my fry &3 And one day we will live in Stone Creek and sit up late at night while our men are away, and do stupid things like making noodles :3
I promise

Kyle; Puppeh Puppernickels! Although we've known eachother for almost 3 years sometimes it seems like it's only been a few days, as our conversation is never dull. :3 I could not be more greatful to finally be talking to you again after a breif departure. Not matter how long it ever is i have, and never will, loose my complete and utter trust in you. &3 One day I will kidnap you and bring you to MilwaukeEW. And when we are ditched for silly California, we will go to Akihabara. Becasue we KNOW is 3247129313190f218910 times better :3 It's a rare thing for Ex's to become best friends, but like I always say; were just that cool :3
Its true
I'm a total creeper for you Lol

Jason; Although i know you probably wont look at my journal till i remember to tell you to, of course you get your own little section &3 x3 You are my lover and my best frann. You've put your complete and utter trust in me and i have too, in return, placed mine in you. So far it has not proven to be a bad decison. If there was ever a person who changed their mind more than me it'd be you, but that ok, it gives me a taste of my own medicine xD I will kidnap you and force you to shoot Nazi Zombies with me. If you loose your sense of romance i WILL hurt you D< It's a good thing we're dating cause otherwise our depth of knowledge about eachother would come off jsut plain stalker-ish :3
Maybe it still does
But hey that's love &3

Stephen/Glitchy; My frist frann :] I will never forget my first EVER friend on Gaia. HOpefully you will come down and visit me and tasha when your epic band tours. We will defneitetly go to your show &3 For some reason i seem to be socailly retarded when it comes to trying to keep in good contact with you D: Its sad, but just know that when i do i love talking to you and I WILL continue to prod you to come visit us.
Even when were all old and wrinkly.
Yes, i will defeinetly be alive that long :]

Lii/Olimpia/Cain/Soubi/Ghey Man Lover; Our plagurism is like the bible. Except one million times better, and we could build a religon that made sense off of it :3 At least i think. One day we will make c**k-tarts, and we'll have to jsut find a way to make that seem legal. Or we can just hide the bodies &&; YOU ARE THE CAIN TO MY RIFF &3 And not matter how much we wish it not to be so, we are retard buddies. Now watch as Mama-Krause throws horny gerbils at us.
I couldn't make this touching or serious no matter how hard i tried.

Ikken; Coolest Bitchbag I ever did meet. :3 Yes, that is your title. And yes, I do plan on copyrigthing it. I hope everyone above meets you at a concert one day, so that they can watch you pit. I jsut think it'd be fun :3 That way you will become like jesus, except better, and of pits. Cause that totally made sense.
Imma doouche :]

Pete/Michi/Hazel/Reiko/All RP Buddies; Dont feel bad I combined you but I think i'm getting carpral tunnel D: You are all just pure win. I have never Rped with more worthy people. Our story should go down in HISTORY &3 I feel like your another family to me and i love it :3 We are the most dynamic bunch of crazies i've ever met and i love it. We will RP for eternity.
You have my word