Kal: What? Besides the fact that Fox Tail won't speak to you?
NinjaZane: My love, my passion.... I think it's fading eek

NinjaZane: It's happening to me and I don't believe it!
Kal: What are you going to do?!?
NinjaZane: I don't know...... I guess..... remember all the mixed emotions I had.......
Kal: .......... stare Sure because that will work......
NinjaZane: Ahhhhhh..... *Now in Lala land* At 1st I was all like

Kal: Well.............. That was ummmmm........ yeah...........
NinjaZane: What am I going to do? I can't just go to school tommarow and tell my friends that I Think, I THINK, I'm over him........
Kal: Well what can you do?
NinjaZane: I don't know......... I just don't know.....