
i'm so eye-candee!!!!
“The strongest have their moments of fatigue”
“But there is suffering in life, and there are defeats. No one can avoid them. But it's better to lose some of the battles in the struggles for your dreams than to be defeated without ever knowing what you're fighting for.”
“Nothing is given to man on earth - struggle is built into the nature of life, and conflict is possible - the hero is the man who lets no obstacle prevent him from pursuing the values he has chosen.”
“Nothing is given to man on earth - struggle is built into the nature of life, and conflict is possible - the hero is the man who lets no obstacle prevent him from pursuing the values he has chosen.”
“The purpose of art is to lay bare the questions which have been hidden by the answers.”
The cruelest lies are often told in silence.”
“There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out.”