my rpcs! last updated, June 23rd, 2010 |
name: Baya age: 17 sex: female race: white wolf demon then when she gains her true power she turns into a red wolf demon bio: Baya's parents died in a fire when she was only seven. Her mother told her to leave the night before, and she did. She had to abandon her best friend, Rokai. She is now 17 and she is now in a ocean-side village with Rokai. Rokai and Baya are in love and traveling together. She will soon turn into a red wolf demon for a year and then she will turn back into a white wolf demon. The transformation will take 2 days till completion. She also loves to eat elk.

name: Tomokiki age: 15 race: fox neko sex: female bio: Tomokiki was abandoned at a village and then taken in by the headmasters of the village. She travels on her own. Tomokiki loves to meet new people. She was forced from her own home by a sage who believed that fox nekos were descended from the devil, but they aren't. Tomokiki's favorite food is blueberries. She also contains this kind of magic that allows her to lock onto a enemy and make him fall, be cut in half, or bleed uncontrolably. She does have a perverted side, which when given the chance she will do something perverted. Tomokiki's magic also allows her to drop anything on someone, from leaves to anvils.

Name: Karin Age: 15 (sometimes 18 ) Race: vampire sex: female bio: Karin is a very special vampire. Her bites inflict no pain at all. You won't know she bit you until you see the amount of blood coming from your neck. Not much is known about Karin but she was cast from her home when it was learned that she was a vampire. She now wanders Japan's islands in search of her new home and her victims. Whenever she is thristy she bites someone, like a normal vampire. She usually stays away from other mythical creatures such as demons, kahakis, and nekos. (minus the tattoos)

name: Mizuru age: 18 (sometimes 23) race: human sex: female Bio: Recently rejected by her true love, Mizuru moved to Japan. Japan is the land of her ancetors. Her extended family had only one trait that made them special. They all had black hair with blue eyes. Every guy that Mizuru passed fell in love with her. She works at a supermarket in Kyoto, her hometown. Her favorite sports include tennis and feild hocky. She had experienced life with two guys, one american and one was chinese. She wants to experience life with a japanese guy. She hopes he will be the last one for her and hopefully her true love and the one she marries.

name: Yuskitaro age: 18 race: human sex: female Bio: Yuskitaro is a blind girl. She has been blind since birth. Because of her blindness, she has been shuuned from her school. But when Yuskitaro's family gets a dog and when she touches its head, she can see! The dog can also live forever to help Yuskitaro. Although, the dog is not a therapy dog so it cannot go with her to school. Her family consists of her sister, Angela, and her mother, Kunski. Angela and Yuskitaro begged their mother to get the dog. The reason that Yuskitaro's dad isn't in the family is because, her mother blames him for Yuskitaro's blindness. Truely, it is his fault because he carries the gene that makes people blind.

name: Alysia age: 17 race: mermaid sex: female bio: Alysia's family are all mermaids and mermen. They migrate through the waters of the Atlantic and the Pacific. She's the only one in her family that is interested in humans. She'd rather have a human lover than a merman lover. Alysia can control all the elements and the weather. She also loves animal life in the ocean, like dolphins. She continues to venture closer to human life, even though her parents warn her over and over again. She just wants to study humans like sharks, dangerous but they are curious.

name: Nadiko age: 18 race: pheonix girl/pheonix keeper sex: female bio: Nadiko keeps her family's pheonixs' in order and she is also a pheonix herself! Even though the wings she has are white, they are actually tinted orange if you look close enough. She can turn into a pheonix and she also has her own. She is often stuck in a castle deep within the mountains of Romainia. Nadiko has never flown outside the castle walls. But, she has watched her pheonix fly out of the walls and wishes she could follow it.

Name: Brandi age: 15 race: human sex: female bio: Brandi is a silent girl. She likes to walk along the beach at sunset. She lives by herself at a beach-side house. Since she is usually quiet, she has no friends but wishes she did. She doesn't go to school because she doesn't have much money. She gets money from her parents, who live far away and don't visit at all. They only send letters and checks for money. Brandi is rarely seen out of her house in the morning but, near night she is out most of the time. Since her parents don't visit at all, she is left to do anything she wants. She was left on her own at age 10. Over the years, she has gotten used to living like this and didn't even invite a boy into her life, even when they asked her out when she was 13. Now, boys look at her and look away. She laughs to herself because they are usually boys that had asked her out in the past but she refused. Brandi loves to read as well. Reading is how she educates herself. Even if all the boys asked her out already, more keep asking daily but, she hasn't found one that she likes, yet. Maybe, just maybe, a new cute, kind, funny, and polite boy would move to her little town near the ocean.

name: Rina age: 18 race: dragon sex: female bio: Rina is a dragon. She serves no one. Rina travels to many places as a dragon. Her dragon form is in the second picture. Rina is often rebellious, not listening to anyone but herself. She loves to live in the northern regions where there is ice so she can hide herself easily as a dragon. Luckily, when traveling to Romainia, the color of her skin changes to green to hide in the lush forests. Since she travels a lot, she has never settled down with a male. Rina takes on human form when going into human towns and villages. Humans usually glare at her unusally green hair and weird clothes. When she glares back, they turn and go about their normal ways. She usually keeps to herself but, when in need, she will talk. Like any other dragon, she can breathe fire.

name: Mira sex: female race: elfin forest protecter age: 18 bio: Mira was put in the forest once she had learned all the basics of dark magic and light magic. That was when she was 15. 3 years have passed and she has sucessfully chased many many humans away. Now, no humans venture into the woods in fear of her. She often sits in trees above humans. She calls out to them and ask what they are doing in her forest. The humans run away in fear. The forest sits on the edge of a village where the villagers warn foreigners to stay away for Mita will scare them. Mira has lived a solitary life, scaring humans. She has yet to wait for the one human that is impossible to scare.

name: Yuki age: 18 sex: female race: shape-shifter bio: Yuki is a shape-shifter that looks exactly like a human. She loves to visit the beach but hates being a fish. She loves to turn into stray dogs and fool her friends. None of her friends know what she is or what she can do. Her power makes her love life impossible for other humans. If she found another shape-shifter, she might be able to have a romance. She has met many non-human creatures on her weekend adventures into the woods. Including: vampires, demons, nekos, elves, and kahaki travelers.

Name: Kurai sex: female age: 15 race: human bio: It has been three years since Kurai was cursed. The curse turns her into a different monster at sunset each season. In spring, she's a blood elf. In summer, she's a fox demon. In fall, she's a dragon. In winter, she's a werewolf. Her curse can only be broken by true love's first kiss. She goes to normal school with normal humans. Because of her curse, she believes it is impossible for her to find true love. She is very doubtful about herself and keeps away from other people, resulting in no friends. Kurai's parents want her to have friends but, think of the curse and see why she doesn't want friends. She runs a flower shop with her mother after school.

Name: Yura sex: male age: 20 race: human then later finds out he is the most powerful wolf demon Bio: Yura has gotten through school with high honors in his hometown, Tokyo. He was on the tennis team, the swim team, and the studen council. When he got out of school, he bought his own volvo and bought his own beach house on the sunny shores of Hawaii. He loves to surf. Or loved. On one tragic day he was surfing while some careless girl teenagers watched him surf. The waves were great until it started to get rough. Hurricanes rarely hit Hawaii this time of year so he thought of it as nothing. The waves got rougher and threw him off his board. The girls screamed for the lifeguard who brought Yura back on shore with his board. Yura wasn't attacked by a shark, he had no scratches from the coral either. Unfortuneatly, he was unconcious. The EMTs rushed him into the ICU where he was pronounced comatose, or in a coma. He woke up two years later. The teenagers had forgotten about him and gone their seperate ways. The doctors took him to his house and visited each day. His mental condition was perfect. The doctors were only worried about the strange wolf-like fangs growing in his mouth. When he got wolf ears, the doctors were freaked and they never returned. Yura returned to surfing but, only surfed when no one was at the beach, or at his secret hidden beach a few miles from his house.

Name: Misa sex: female age: 19 race: Angel bio: Misa wanders the dense forests of New England with her crystal lamp in hand. Her pure white wings shine a dim white light. She searches the forest for stragglers who get lost from not following the paths. If she finds one, she takes them to a log cabin with many others until they learn to stick to the trails. Sometimes, she falls under the effect of the new moon and becomes even more beautiful. Her long blonde hair cascades down to her waist normally but, under the new moon effect, it falls to her ankles. If she is in the new moon effect, she may become demonic, perverted, horny, or more angelic. (mostly perverted, horny and angelic.) Misa has small wings on her head to aid her normal wings during flight. She has many magical spells that she can cast.

Name: Suzaki sex: female age: 16 race: psychic/oracle bio: Suzaki was banished from her town as being found out to have magical powers. She lives in a cute little house in the wilderness, aiding passing travelers. Since she is an oracle, she speaks to the gods of many countries in her sleep. Once in a while, she recieves a prophecy that foretells the future. Some of these proophecies have never happened, yet. She longs for someone to keep her company up in her house and she longs for a love that she cannot have. She loves bows and frilly dresses, despite her usually dismal powers and prophecies.
kahaki kiari · Sun Feb 01, 2009 @ 06:38pm · 1 Comments |