---setting: track, cheerleading tryouts---
coach: ok girls, lets get started. ur current cheerleading captain angie will run u through the course and ur co-captain jenny will weed out the weaklings.
angie: *gives a fake smile to all the girls trying out* ok girls!! were gonna run the track with hurdles, climb the rope, and scale the bar, got it?
random girls: yeah!
amber: whatever.
angie: *smiles sweetly at amber* good. ready, set, go!!
girls: *take off running*
amber: *runs at full speed and scales every hurdle perfectly* hah!
angie: *narrows eyes* hmph. she wont do so well on the rope...
jenny: amber, kira, cindy, and bree: pass!
other girls: aww...
angie: its ok! maybe next year! *whispers to jenny* you said youd kick amber off on the first try!
jenny: shes really good! shell get us to the finals this year!
angie: ugh. *to the remaining girls* ok!! now we do the rope!! *four ropes drop from ceiling* ready, set, go!!
girls: *all start*
amber: *clears in 20 secs flat*
other girls: *take at least 34 secs*
jenny: amber, kira, and bree: pass!!
cindy: oh well. i did my best.. *walks off*
angie: ok! one final event girls!! the bar!
amber: *thinks* crap... i suck at the bar...
angie: *thinks* good... amber sux at the bar.. *says* alright amber, ur up first!!
amber: *steps up to the mat and grimaces* ok... *runs at full speed then jumps at the bar, grabbing it with both hands, doing a full 360 and landing perfectly* how did i...
jenny: amber: pass!
amber: woah..
*other 2 girls go and only amber and bree pass*
angie: *totally pissed now* congrats girls. u made it to our cheer squad.
jenny: *runs to amber and hugs her and whispers to her* i think ur gonna be the schools spirit queen this year!
amber: um.. thx prep...
jenny: and maybe even cheer captain!!
angie: *starts choking on her protien bar* what??
amber: *suddenly gets a mischevious look on her face* what do i have to do to become, cheer captain?
angie: *snarls under her breath*
jenny: u and the current cheer captain have a cheer off and whoever gets the peer vote becomes captain.
amber: *smiles* lets do it then. BOTAN!
botan: *walks up behind her* u dont have to yell. and what happened to "just looking in"?
amber: dont pop up like that!! anyway, tell everyone that theres gonna be a cheer off! get it?
botan: got it. *runs off*
amber: good. *turns to jenny* so what do i do in a cheer off?
jenny: just come up with an original cheer and present it in an awesome way!
angie: *comes up to amber* dont slip.
amber: *stares up at her w/ an insolent expression* not on ur life blondie!
botan: *runs back to amber* ok, u guys will do it on the football field. theres a bunch of people there already, and more are coming.
amber: great. now i just need a cheer!
angie: *already practicing hers*
amber: great... hmm... ah! thats it! *starts writing on a tablet*
huge crowd: *cheers*
amber: *gawking* thats a lot of people.....
botan: FIRST UP, ANGIE!!!!
angie: heres my cheer for our big game against the pirates next week! ***ok this is SO ironic, and tori, ull noe y... COUGARS (angie-ayaka; both blonde; both been called a cougar) vs PIRATES (amber-asuna; both redhaired; ambers a pirate)***
Hey Cougars!
Gimme a Blue and Gold
(crowd smile Blue and Gold!
Hey Cougars! *backflips*
Gimme a beat those Pirates!
(crowd smile Beat those Pirates!
Blue and Gold, beat those Pirates! *makes a "Y" with arms*
Blue and Gold, beat those Pirates! *makes an "L" with arms*
Blue and Gold, beat those Pirates! *jumps and lands in a split*
crowd: *claps and cheers*
amber: crap.. my cheer is nowhere near as good as that...
botan: AND NOW, AMBER!!!
amber: *gulps and walks out* my cheer is just a general cougars cheer..
C'mon crowd get rowdy now! *cartwheels*
And yell what I say. [pause]
When I say go, you say Cougars! *makes "Y" with arms*
*puts hands to mouth to amplify sound*GO!! *draws back*
(crowd smile COUGARS
*puts hands to mouth to amplify sound*GO!! *draws back*
(crowd smile COUGARS
Ready, set, go [pauses and backflips into a handstand, then jumps upright] COUGARS!
a little more than a quarter of the crowd: *cheers*
angie/amber: omg..... thats under half!!
more than 3/4 of the crowd: *cheers loudly*
angie/amber: NO! WAY!!!
botan: WINNER: AMBER!!!
amber: omg!!!!!!! *runs to botan and hugs her and whispers* what did u do?
botan: *whispers back* nothing! but i believe hiei said something or other about a threat...
amber: a..... what?? *sees hiei, kyrin, crystal, yusuke, and kurama walking up*
kyrin: a cheerleader? seriously?
hiei: thats low, even for u.
amber: e_e whats all this about a threat?
hiei: *looks away* i wasnt helping u... i just didnt want the blonde idiot to win...
amber: ??
yusuke/crystal: *start snickering*
kurama: *looks down and chuckles* apparently hiei cared about u winning so much amber, that he was willing to threaten the entire crowd telepathically.
amber: *looks at kurama, then at hiei* seriously...?
kyrin/crystal/yusuke/kurama: yes.
hiei: no.
kyrin: riiiight.
crystal: of course not hiei.
yusuke: *noogies him* ya, u dont like her at all.
hiei: *pushes him off angrily* will u shut up?
kurama: what happened to angie?
kyrin: only u would ask that kurama.
yusuke: *smirks* over there, pitching a hissy fit.
all: *laff*
crystal: i say we go celebrate!
hiei: why would we celebrate the baka pirate onnas official coming of prep? (coming of age-coming of prep; its punny)
amber: because i rocked!
kurama: u did great.
kyrin: im down with partying. do u guys want to go to that new kareoke bar?
crystal: ooh! that sounds fun! ive never been to a kareoke bar b4!
yusuke: i dont sing.
hiei: *mutters* dont worry, kyrin will fix that..
kurama: aw lighten up hiei. i think kareoke is fun.
amber: thats cause ur an amazing singer.
crystal: roses, pink, long beautiful hair, likes going to the mall, and now singing. oh ya. real manly.
kurama: grr.... *reaches for rose*
crystal: ooh real scary! maybe ull use "petal whirlwind" on me.
kurama: restrain me amber.
amber: *wraps arms around his stomach* ready.
kurama: *struggles* lemme at 'er!!!
yusuke: ooh. scary.
kyrin: *gets in between them* ok! how bout that kareoke bar?
hiei: ya, before kurama petal-fies us.
kurama: dont tempt me hiei!!!
amber: *rolls eyes* i can handle this. *makes kurama face her, and kisses him for 5 secs, then breaks* be good.
kurama: *slightly dazed* ok....
yusuke: lets go! im sick of waiting!!
crystal: ^-^'' weve only been here for a minute and a half..
yusuke: a minute too long. now come on!
*they all go to the kareoke bar and blah blah blah. u can write a kareoke fanfic with all of us if u want.*
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