Well, after munching on my chocolate fudge cookies and milk, I decided it was time for an update. biggrin
To start, I finally got a fun job with good pay. My professor came up to me and ask if I'd care to be a lab tech for the college because of my extensive knowledge of the tools. Upon going to training on my first day, I learned (very quickly) that I was the only, and first, sophomore to ever be considered for this position. But at 10.50 an hour, three nights a week I would be crazy to say no! Well, it's been wonderful. The other techs don't like me too much, but I really don't care. razz It's the job of my dreams, and I'm having a lot of fun doing it.
This friday, we have what's called "roll call" or our show to determine who gets scholarships and who has to continue to pay exorbitant tuition. In the show, I have some pretty strong pieces; an anatomical glass heart made out of broken bottles, a copper corset made out of 20 gauge wire and seed beads, a carved wooden ferret with copper halo that's 10x larger than life, My Uni prints (see the "my art" post), a quadruple register Japanese wood block print, and a 3 foot ink painting of my "My Little Pony". biggrin It's a pretty bang-up line up and I'm hoping to get at least one of the 5k scholarships that they're handing out. My parents are even coming up for the show. This will be the first time they've come up to see one of my exhibit. surprised
Next week, midterms. Not looking forward to those. But happy that they're going to be over soon. And the week after that? The make it or break it show: Sophomore reviews. We get 10sq ft to present our ENTIRE BODY OF WORK so far. No way that's happening. But we present it to a panel of reviewers who decide if we get to stay at Cornish, or if we need to take a hike. It's a nerve wracking month indeed. But I think I'm going to do ok. 3nodding
Aside from that, things at home have been great. My boyfriend finally gave up WOW, and we've spent so much time together, it's been AMAZING! 4laugh And Valentine's day is coming up, and guess what? My darling william took that day off, and has something planned just for me! whee He's so sweet. And I went to see my parents over the weekend, that was awesome. We had a family dinner, and my WHOLE family was there. mrgreen Even my cousin and her daughter from Germany.
So there ya have it! Things are perfect in paradise *knock on wood* I just hope it stays that way. This is me, signing off~
Later Datez~
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"No matter where you go, there you are"
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A lab job! Sweeeet!
I am so glad you have a family that goes the extra mile for you. If people do not care for you, it is because they are jealous!!
Presentations - My critic-judge-granny advice: use some cloth or textures as a backdrop for your sculptures and artpieces. It can be so subliminal, but something draped under a sculpture or behind a wall hanging can really make it pop. Stones, mirrors, black cloth, glitter, tissue, scarves, twigs, moss, water...