Shay: Whats wrong Zinny?
NinjaZane: Oh its jus- Zinny?
Shay: Yeah ^^ Isn't it cute?
NinjaZane: ....Sure sweatdrop Anyway back to what I was saying. I have a problem With a Fan-fic of mine sad A Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro Fan-fic....
Kal: What could it be this time?
NinjaZane: I have three different beginnings, and they are all good
Shay: eek You make Fan-fic?
NinjaZane: Yes. (oh boy)
Shay: Lets hear em!
NinjaZane: Wha?
Shay: Lets hear thouse beginnings blaugh
NinjaZane: Oh... Well sweatdrop
Kal: Here we go......
NinjaZane: The 1st one Is after a another case is sloved, Yoko goes home to sleep, Neuro left at the office decides to reserch some stuff and suddenly a knock on the door is heard Neuro tells who ever it is to leave but the person refuses. Now the door is locked, but suddenly there was a click, the door opens.
Shay: *Girly Scream of terror*
NinjaZane: What?
Shay: Sorry sweatdrop
Kal: *face plam*
NinjaZane: Anyway.... Neuro Watches as the door opens slowly and somebody replies "I don't take no for an anwser." and When the door is all the way open A girl about Neuro height Stands, and She kinda looks like Neuro And For the record he looks like this:

NinjaZane: Anyway besides that. She dosen't look exsactally like him. Where his outfit is blue, her's is red, and she has two pony tails in the back.... i guess they could be pig tails, .... and she has moon clips where thouse triangle should be ^^
Shay: I like the sound of the outfit!
Kal: Now I know how Fox Feels....
NinjaZane: And the last part of the 1st beginning is the girl saying "My name is Serien, and I am here to work..."
Shay: *clapping* Lovely, lovely.
NinjaZane: But you haven't heard the other ones.
Shay: *slowly stops clapping* ........ oh yeah sweatdrop
NinjaZane: Ok, the 2nd one is After a crime was solved, Neuro decided that a tall mirror was just what the office needed, and took the one that the victem owned. Yoko, got a strange feeling from it and didn't like it. A day goes by and one day while their backs are turned, to the mirror, a sudden chill crawls its way into the room. A small voice could be heard and it said, "Help....... help me.......". They both turn to the mirror to see a long blond hair, green eyed, naked girl in the mirror (The hair was long enoff to cover her parts). Yoko screams. The mirror had developed small cracks at the bottom, and had a frost trim look. The girl extended her hand (at least it looked like it), "Take my hand........ Free me....... I will be forever greatfull........" She said. Neuro smiled that smile of his, and reached for her hand. His hand when into the mirror like water, but when he took her hand and procced to help her out, the mirror began to break, and the girl looked different. she looked the same as I desccribed in the 1st beginning, but I did forget to mention that her gloves are blue ^^; So When she fully gets out of the mirror, the mirror looked as if it had not been broken, and The girl introduces her self as Serien.
Shay: I liked that one blaugh
NinjaZane: Well The next one is like that. The last one is, Yoko and Neuro are at a crime seen, a very rich place, they are both walking thou a garden when the pass a statue, vines cover the white statue, it was of a girl, who looked how I desccribed in the 1st story. She stood with one arm extended and the other back, almost she had taken an angels hand and was being carried off. Neuro decided to read the carved writting on the bottom, it read "I, Serien, will wait forever for my one true prince to return... My prince...." The name was faeded, it was a five lettered name, two of the letter were readable, a "u" and a "r". Yoko looked at Neuro with a puzzed face after reading the whole thing, after Neuro was done reading it he continued on walking and said "We will meet back here to reveal the Murderer..... around 11pm."
Shay: Wow! I like this one a whole lot.
NinjaZane: I'm almost done sweatdrop When 11 came around they sloved the case, and it was midnight, everyone was gone, but Neuro was still around, the moon was full. Neuro stood before the statue and said, "Are you there Serien, I am." Yoko was watching from a distance, suprized to hear these words. A voice seemed to come out of no where, "How dare you show your face after these years of not!". Neuro just smiled, "I Came, did I not?". The voice called again, " Take my hand then, and help me from the prision you left me in!". And Thats the end of the 3rd beginning.
Shay: *speechless* T-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-that was the..... GREATEST!!!!
Kal: Oh Gawd...
Shay: I mean really! You should use that one! Use it, use it, use it! blaugh
NinjaZane: Geez if you put it that way...... sweatdrop
*Fox Tail walks up*
Fox Tail: What did I miss?
Kal: Alot.