*nervous giggle* well. I have just done what took me over a year to accomplish. I managed to buy the Enchanted Book. wow..........
originally I set out to buy the newest EI, the flower thing (shuddap can't think right now thanks to that adrenaline rush...) and was gathering all sortsa gold and selling things like crazy and making loans off of Jen's and my shared accounts, and all sortsa stuff. I managed to make 50,000 gold in less than 2 hours. sweatdrop I had the pleasant surprise of finding some mythrill coins in my account, and cashed all but one of them (for emergencies lol). So now I have gone from 156724 gold to 15739. wow that's strange. It'll be *calculates* 5577 total once I pay back my loans... *nervous laugh* so much for money for a new prom dress.... who knows though. I might make a special trip to wal-mart sometime and get a cash card to get something, or *better idea yet* just use what I just got. *slight grin*
*shivers* so yeah i don't really feel like using a lot of emotes today, surprisingly. just lotsa action things apparently. i dunno. i'm still a bit in shock of what i just did actually....
thanks to that i'll be off the compy pretty fast- gotta work on some stuff, and see if I can't mentally solve the puzzle of that stupid math test. *rolls eyes slightly* its really easy, actually... its just the profit/income/cost one that is driving me up the wall... just that one thing where it asks you to figure out when they break even... dammit. =/ I'll figure it out.
speaking of figuring things out i still need to talk to Kailee about the gaia thing... *shrugs and grins* facebook will be a big helper there. =]
ah-ha see? i'm feeling better I guess...
a little, mind you. not a whole lot.
*mental count* so about the only homework I have to do tonight is history. cool. then an early bedtime. *is supposing i am really excited I just can't feel it*
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