Lets just say really old. She looks around 17.
Half vampire, half angel.
(It is IMPOSSIBLE to tell that there is any angel blood in Emma, even if you had her blood or was an angel. There is no way to tell. However, seeing her vampirism is quite simple.)
Around 100 pounds, maybe less.
An overly large broadsword (It's longer and almost wider then her.) In which she can whip out when she feels like by summoning it. The broadsword contains an inscription on the left side of the blade in ancient angelic writing.
Most the time she is very rude or not caring entirely and likes to space off and let her mind wander. By living for quite a long time she also tends to be bored easily and she loves to fight, as long as her opponent is strong. For some reason she is not easily distracted by the smell of blood unless she is very thirsty.
Her hair reaches nearly down to her ankles, along with white irregular streaks placed randomly in her hair, an inch or so of the very tips of her hair are also white. She covers her markings at all times, either by wearing a high neck shirt or wrapping bandages or ribbon around them.
Clothes :
(Picture is only really there for the face and skin likeness.)
She wears a sort of thin material black turtle neck halter top. Meaning her back is bare except around her neck and waist. Over that she has a red long-sleeved shirt and skinny blue jeans tucked into knee high black boots.

Marking on her neck:

Jewel embedded in the hollow of her throa:

Marking directly between her shoulder blades:

Emma lived in a small, ancient town when she was first born. With her pale, cool skin and red eyes she was treated as a freak amongst her fellow villagers. However Emma didn't care much. She knew she was a freak, and a dangerous one at that from her extreme accelerated growth. By extreme it means that she had the mind of a normal adult and the body of three year old for about three months. Then the growth process sped up for a month until she was in the form she is now. Generally because of her strength she has a superiority complex. She tends to feel she is above humans, which she is but... Emma generally likes to hang around in human cities, mostly because she becomes bored with living alone, even though her appearance clearly shouts vampire. And because she needs to talk with someone else other than Renta. During the most recent years of her long existence she had met Tenshi, fell in love with him, and had him painfully ripped away from her. She turned partially emo then, wallowing in her pain and waiting for something, or someone, to help bring her out of this misery.