I wrote your name in the sky,
but the wind blew it away.
I wrote your name in the sand,
but the waves washed it away.
I wrote your name in my heart,
and forever it will stay.
Love is like a lump of gold,
Hard to get, and hard to hold.
Of all the girls I've ever met,
You're the one I can't forget.
I do believe that God above,
Created you for me to love.
He chose you from all the rest,
Because he knew I would love you best.
i love you so much i wrote a song
but all the lyrics are all gone
i will remember them all wrong
but i will still kiss u forever on
(i made it up ,stupid and dumb,because i love you intill were gone)
corny poems but all are form my heart
i don't want to leave
but we'll stay in touch
and you will always be my honeybunch