Name :: Velchosus
Age :: 22
Gender :: Female
Super Powers :: Water // Ice Elemental // Shape Shifter
Night Blind //
can't stand heat for extended periods of time or else she takes burn damage //
Phase three phobia of needles
Power Grid
( Numbers Range from 1 - 20 )
Intelligence :: 18
Constitution :: 20
Dexterity :: 18
Wisdom :: 17
Strength :: 15
Charisma :: 20

Name :: Velchosus.
Age :: 19
Gender :: Female
Super Powers :: Water // Ice Elemental // Shape Shifter
Negatives ::
Night Blind //
can't stand heat for extended periods of time or else she takes burn damage //
Phase three phobia of needles
Power Grid
( Numbers Range from 1 - 20 )
Intelligence :: 15
Constitution :: 15
Dexterity :: 17
Wisdom :: 16
Strength :: 18
Charisma :: 17

(To both The Hero and The Villan)
Name :: Daxondriel
Age :: over 500
Gender :: Male.
Super Power :: Shapeshifter and Vel's Mentor.
Negatives :: Unknown.
Power Grid
( Numbers Range from 1 - 20 )
Intelligence :: 20
Constitution :: 15
Dexterity :: 16
Wisdom :: 19
Strength :: 16
Charisma :: 11
more later xD