SHE IS A b***h.
Like, I know it's not her fault totally. I'm partially to blame. I mean, I respond to her idiocy. That's a problem. I know that.
But COME ON. It's MOTHERS DAY. Can't you stop thinking about yourself for just one day and appreciate what mom does for you?
Don't go on about how she isn't making time for you to find a job. I mean, she told you, she has a freaking audit that people are depending on her for at work. She can't take you places on monday. Just deal. Don't keep complaining. My god...
And then, when she sighs and works you into her busy schedule, be APPRECIATIVE PLEASE. Don't complain more about how she said this or that. It's not mom's fault she doesn't have much time this week! So just stop. Please.
I really hate my sister. I can't imagine how anyone can LIKE her. What a freaking BIIITCH. Goodness. I really really want her to go away. Move to kentucky if that's what you want. Just get out of my house.
And now, mom doesn't even want a gift because she's too upset. So there goes $20 I guess. >.> I hate this.
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