My goshness >.< Ive had the flu since last friday O_O Itz been horrible!!!!!! >.< I Havnt seen my friends, hugged my boyfriend, go outside, or even play my guitar for a week!!!!!!! TT-TT Worst sickness ever!!!!!! Ive been asleep for most of the time and i was too exhausted to even stand up and walk. I mean i really felt like i was 30 feet taller and 100 pounds heavier. Not to mention the NAUSIA!!!! It was the worst!!! Ugh.... now when i go back to school on monday i get to see my friends and my boyfriend biggrin But i have to make up a weeks worth of homework and school work gonk Well my friends all told me that its wierd at school without me because everyone is all quiet and appart. Wana kno y? Cuz im the life of the party and the group ;] lol well thats pretty much all ^-^ Ugh i hate being sick!!! Ill wash my hands 9 times a day now .______. LOVE YOU ALL!!!!! ^_\ -more pics i like :p-
VOTE ADAM!!!!! >:]

my god like my twin O_O

eew who drew this?

@-@ hehehe......

BulletZombie · Fri May 15, 2009 @ 10:40pm · 0 Comments |