Because of my current masquerade attire, I thought it would be fitting to post a poem.

"Can you sing, can you dance, can you play?
Always, always, always, live for today.
Come to the ball.
Dance through the hall.
A glorious play for all.
A mask is needed for this play.
Hide thine face, so you can stay.
Watch them twirl and dance.
Behind your mask, watch them prance.
Their eyes, oh their eyes, tell a story.
Of better days, of timeless glory.
Look behind those eyes.
Beneath the mask.
See the lies.
Of which we should not ask.
A masquerade, a party, a ball.
Please, come one! Come all!
Love is a dance.
Of exquisite romance.
The truth, or a lie.
Whatever the hopes, the dreams may die.
Just perhaps, what you ask?
You'll find happiness behind that mask.
So, won't you come with me?
Hidden, behind your mask you see?
To dance and play.
To laugh and sway.
To die, a little more this day.
Come, to the masquerade.
A gaudy ball, a grand parade.
A party, of childrens cheers.
A twisted gather, of morbid fears.
A calvacade, of cheerful cries.
A dark, dark party, full of lies."