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to read or not to read...i choose read
old story for friend's bday
Good night my sweet vampire.

I sighed; once more I saw the love of my life ignore me. Well, not me in a since, but my feelings for him. He sat there with his arms draped over his new girlfriend-Veronica. What is so wrong with me? veronica is nearly just like me, but yet he dates her and not me. UGH! I thought.
“Lara…Lara!?” shouted my friend, trying to get my attention.
“Huh, oh what?”
“Day dreaming again?” she asked.
“Always…So, what’s up Ditzy?” I asked.
“The sky, but um never mind, Um…my cousin Christopher, is coming to spend Christmas break with me, and well I know you invited me to you birthday party, but can he come? I can’t go unless he can…” explained Ditzy. I nodded.
“Sure, I’ll let my mom know, but I'm sure he’ll be aloud.” I said.
“Thank you Lara!!!” she screeched and jumped on me to give me a hug.
“N-o Prob-lem, Dit-zy can’t breathe…” I gasped out.
“Oh-sorry.” She said, pulling back to set in her own seat.
“S’ok, though I still don’t get how you can do that.” I said, she smiled and jumped into the conversation with her boy friend Hayden. You see, when she hit 16, Ditzy (yes her real name by the way) hit this, abnormal growth spurt. She’s abnormally strong, smart, pretty…she’s like a glass figurine, only she can’t break. She has long, dark brown hair and blue eyes.
“Hey, Lara…” I looked up to see Ryan, love of my life, talking to me.
I smile, “Yea…”
“You haven’t said a word all day, what’s up?” he asked me, I shrugged and lied.
“Nothing just tired…” but of course…
“Liar…” he said, “Come on, what’s wrong?” he continued.
I repeated myself, “Really-nothing…”
Ditzy and her boyfriend jumped in, “Nothing, nothing tra la la!” they both sang. I laughed, thanking them saliently for changing the subject.
“Um, Look…like I said, I'm tired, so I'm gonna head home. I think I’ve been at boarders long enough…” I said getting up from the coffee table. Ryan and Veronica stood as well.
“Well I brought you here, so I’ll give you a ride home. Veronica, join us, I’ll take you home when were done, sound ok?” I inwardly groaned, but nodded. Veronica’s blond hair bounced as she nodded and giggled for no apparent reason.
“Wait!!” yelled Ditzy, she jumped up and grabbed me, dragging me to the bathroom.
“Ditzy! Lara wants to go home!” protested Ryan, but since Ditzy hated him she ignored him and continued to drag me to the bathroom. Once inside she calmed down.
“You sure you want to go with them? You wait just a bit longer and Hayden can take you and me home both” offered Ditzy.
“No,” I said, “Look, he was my friend before I liked him, and he is now. Just because he’s date some….girl, won’t stop me from being his friend or” I sighed sadly, “Or liking him”
Ditzy rolled her eyes, she’s known about me liking him since the beginning. She stopped being his friend because she thought he was playing with me, but me being me, continued to like him.
“Fine, but when you get home, call me, k” I nodded and we walked out of the bathroom.
I was greeted with the sight of Veronica with Ryan’s tong down her throat, it was sickening. I coughed to let them know I was ready, Ryan pulled away and nodded and the tree of us headed to his car.
What a horrible day…I thought.
…A Week Later…
My birthday had snuck up on me sooner than I thought. Ryan was going to be going to Veronica’s for a family brunch then make it over to my party-with her, unfortunately. Ditzy, her cousin Christopher and her boyfriend Hayden would be at the Driskal for my party.
Yep my parents booked two sweets at the Driskal Hotel for my party, as well as one of the party rooms. One Sweet was for the girls and the other was for the boys. It really pays off turning 18, your parents trust you way more. I thought happily.
Sighing I walked into my room, through my closet looking for the perfect outfit. But nothing, that’s when I heard a knock on the bedroom door.
“Who is it?!” I called form the closet.
“Hey…” it was Ditzy, she walked in and over towards me. “How’s the birthday girl?” she asked.
I smiled, weekly, “Fine. Thought I was going to meet you at the Driskal,”
“Yea, well you were, but we, as in my cousin, boyfriend and I, decided we’d like to escort you instead.” She answered.
“Oh, well then help me find something to wear” I said turning back to the closet.
“Nope, I already have it for you…” she said pulling out a birthday bag from nowhere.
“Where’d that…never mind, give me” I said smiling grabbing at the bag.
“Ah, ah, ah…how much do you want it?” she teased, “oh well never mind, here” she tossed it to me; I caught it and tore into it.
After about 5 minutes of color paper, I got pissed and glared at her. “Did you give me just paper?” she smiled and pulled out a secondary bag and tossed it to me. “ha ha very funny” I said sarcastically and proceeded to tear into it.
Soon I pulled this long silky black dress, with a black velvet belt around the waist, tied in the back, ‘v’ cut top and a slit all the way up to my high thy. “HAPPY BIRTHDYA!!!” yelled Ditzy.
I stared in awe at her and the dress. “D-did…? How…?” I babbled.
She nodded and was about to say something but I jumped her, pulling her into a crushing hug. Shouting ‘thank you’ over and over again.
“Good, good. Now put it on. I’ll go tell the guys that you like it. They were with me when I picked it out” she said, I nodded. She walked out into the living room and I heard her shout, ‘she loves it!’ I couldn’t help but laugh.
After I pulled it on, I looked around for the right jewelry to use, but sadly I had none. “Ditzy!” I yelled.
She came back in that silly smile still on her lips. “Yes…”
“I can’t wear this…”
“No jew…” she cut me off.
“Christopher!” I looked at her, why was she calling her cousin in here. Soon I was mentally ‘thanking her’
When he walked through the door, my breath was taken away, my heart froze like the air in the room. “Yes, dear cousin.”
“I told you, its Ditzy” she said pouting, “Well, I’ll leave you to give her your gift.” She said as she skipped out to meet her boyfriend.
“H-hi” I said, shyly.
He smiled this smile that made my heart flutter even more, “Good day.”
“So, did Ditzy pick out the gift and make you put your name on it? Because if she did, I'm sorry.”
“No, I picked it out. Hopefully you like it.”
“But why? You don’t even know me”
“Ah, maybe…but I don’t go to birthday parties empty handed.”
“Nice,” I said giggling. He moved forward and handed me this black box. Smiling, I excepted the box. Slowly I opened the box, and after pulling the black tissue paper out of the way I gasped when I saw the beautiful crystal necklace, silver metallic chain that shined against the beautiful clear crystal.
“It’s beautiful.” I breathed.
“Does that mean you like it?” he asked.
“YES!” I yelled and pulled him into a hug. “I'm sorry,” I said pulling back.
“s’ok” he said not letting go, I blushed. That’s when I heard someone clear her throat.
Ditzy and Hayden were at the door frame, both smiling. “Sorry to interrupt, but we’ve got a party to get to…” said Ditzy.
“Unless you two want to have your own little party?” Hayden said smirking; I grabbed the nearest pillow and lunched it at his head. Ditzy caught it.
“No throwing pillows and my boyfriend.” She said protectively. “Only I can do that…”
“Yea, when you do, your alone aren’t you?” I shot back, smirked and threw it back, but Christopher caught it.
“Don’t start cousin; you know full well that if I throw this then you won’t catch it.” Christopher taunted. Ditzy stuck her tong out at him, and then led Hayden out.
“No, miss Lucia, I’d like to be your escort for the party. May I?” He held out his arm politely.
“Hell yeah” I said smiling as he walked me out.
…oh la la, the party…
When we pulled up to the Driskal hotel, I was breathless. I saw most of my guest in the main room by the check in desk, they were all ready to party.
Ditzy and Hayden walked in, they cheered or asked where I was. She smiled and turned motioning for us.
Christopher and I walked through the hotel doors gracefully. My long brown wavy hair slightly rustled around my shoulders, Christopher put a comforting hand on my arm that he held.
A merrier was conveniently placed by the doors and I saw Christopher and I, we looked great together. I smiled as I looked upon all the stunned faces.
“Hey, let’s party!” I shouted. They all cheered, well except for Ryan and Veronica. But at the moment I didn’t care.
The concierge led us to the rented party room, and told us that the boys rooms were to the left and the girls rooms were on the right.
The chef came with this large black cake, with a white skull on it. I smiled and he sat it before me and Christopher. While he was setting up the candles Ryan came over.
“Want some help in cutting that Lara?” asked Ryan giving me his award winning smile, only this time…it didn’t effect.
I was about to reject his offer when Christopher jumped in, “Sorry, dude” he sounded out of place saying that, “But tonight that’s my job” and then he rapped his arm around my waist. I blushed, but noticed how Ryan seemed to stiffen, his jaw set, eyes narrowed.
“And who are you again?” Ryan asked.
“Ditzy’s cousin, she invited me along and well…Lara and I have hit it off” I blushed and playfully slapped him on the arm.
“Time to cut the cake!” yelled Ditzy and like that I turned my attention away from Ryan and Christopher and I cut the cake.
Christopher had his hand over mine’s and together we cut the cake. People cheered and the chef helped distribute cake to the guest.
Taking a bite of the cake then looking back at me, Christopher smiled. “Red velvet”
“Yes, good, no?”
“Very good”
After eating, we danced again.
Slumber party!
So now all that couldn’t stay for the slumber party went home, those staying changed into their Pj’s.
Ditzy was wearing white pare of Pj’s that said “Watch out, I bite” I laughed at her.
“Yes, and do you bite Hayden?” I joked, she laughed but didn’t answer me. then as I was about to change her and the other girls pulled out one last gift bag.
“Now, we all worked together to get these for you…” began Kiki.
“And you better like them,” said Monica
“Because, you stuck wearing them tonight.” Finished Jesse.
“Yep, I even took you packed Pj’s at home” said Ditzy, I playfully glared at her and took the gift bag.
Opening it, I pulled out a set of Pj’s. the black pants laced up the pant legs and the top laced up all the way to the neck line. “I'm not wearing this”
“Yes you are”
“No-no I'm not, I’ll wear my regular cloths.”
“Nope, I just locked them up in the closet” said Ditzy. ‘I hate you’ I mouthed to her.
‘Love ya too sis’ she mouthed back.
Moving to the bathroom, I changed in to the Pj’s and when I walked out, the girls cheered. I blushed and rolled my eyes. Then we all walked out into the party room.
God must love me, because when I saw Christopher, he wore silver sweat pants and no shirt. His glistening muscles smiled back at me, just like he was.
Pulling me into a hug he whispered, “You look hot”
“you too” I said blushing. I just wanted to lick him!
“Same here,” he said then walked off, leaving me speechless.
Ditzy got to the CD player and hooked up her Mp3 player, Him blasted through the speekers.
We danced and let loose. Christopher was just leaning in to kiss me, but Ryan ruined it.
“Dude, put a damn shirt on!” he shouted, I could see Veronica try to calm him down but he wasn’t havening it.
“Dude, mind your own business, please.” Asked Christopher.
“No how ‘bout you. Back away from my girl!” he shouted. Wait, his girl? Since when?
Veronica was pissed, she grabbed her stuff and left. Ryan didn’t even give her a second glance. “Lara your mine”
“Your’s? since when? Now? hell no!” I said crossing arms, but he came forward and grabbed me. “let go” he ignored me.
“She said let go” Christopher said, his jaw was set and he looked ready to kill. The lights shut off and we noticed for the first time the storm brewing outside. His eyes looked almost red and I swear he had vampire teeth.
“What are you going to do about it wimp” Ryan taunted, Christopher came forward and picked Ryan up by the collar of his shirt. Raising him off the ground almost 5 feet, then slinging him to the couch.
“Next time, I’ll throw you out of a window” Christopher warned.
“You no good son of a b***h” cursed Ryan and Christopher was about to spring forward and really heart him, but Ditzy got to him first, and flat out punched Ryan in the face knocking him down.
Slowly I walked forward, “You a*****e!” I yelled at him, he looked at me confused.
“Ryan, I’ve liked you for god know how long, but the moment when I finally get over you, like I sooooo needed to, you try to ruin it. You never liked me, but now you claim me as yours? What the hell! I want you to get your crap and get the hell out of here! You don’t have to go home, but you do need to leave” after I said that I turned back to Christopher and pulled him down into a kiss of bliss.
“b***h” Ryan growled out, only to have Ditzy grab him by the ear and drag him out of the room.
“Security! Get him the hell out of here!” she yelled. Me and Christopher pulled apart to see the security arresting Ryan.
“Guess you can tell I like you” I said to Christopher.
“I’m glad because I like you too. But can I confess something?” I felt fear rack through me, was he about to tell me he had a girlfriend?
He pulled me off to the side, “I like you a lot Lara, but…there something about me and Ditzy you need to know. Our family…is quite different” I nodded and he continued, “We’re vampires”
I froze, and then laughed. “You serious?” he nodded and smiled, showing me his piercing sharp teeth. Then he leaned down and kissed my neck, slightly nibbling. I groaned in pleasure.
“Wow…” I breathed. Then attacked his lips.
When we pulled apart, both smiling, we went back to the party and continued on.
We had fun, the hole night was great, but soon people began to slink of to their rooms. And soon all that was left was Ditzy, Christopher and I.
“Well, guys…even though I need no sleep, I'm going to go lay with Hayden. “ she said walking off.
Christopher smiled, “Well, the sun will be up soon. I must get going”
“The sun effects you?”
“More than it does Ditzy. Has to do with our genetics really”
“Oh,” I nodded, saddened.
“But I’ll see you tomorrow”
“Oh really?”
“You won’t be able to keep me away” He leaned into kiss me and I let him.
When we pulled apart again, I walked him to the hotel door. The rain was slightly poring.
“Good night my sweet” he said like a gentlemen, I smiled.
“Good night my sweet vampire” and kissed him once more before saying good night.
When I got back to my room, cuddled up in my blanket, my last coherent thought of the night was…
I wonder what tomorrow night will be like.

The End!

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  • User Comments: [2]
    Well, it seems that you need to work on spelling.Your grammar is a but off as well so you should probably work on that too. You also need to work on your dialogue and the puncuation within it. Well, you need to work on puncuation in general but ok...

    I do like your plot line and where you were going with the story but I think that you probably could have developed the scenes a little more. You could have decribed the scenes in more detail (like the literal scene) and also gone into more depth about the emotional scenes as well.

    Work harder on improving and honing your skill because you do have a talent for writing. Keep writing and never give up!

    Yours truly,
    The Critic

    comment XxthecriticxX · Community Member · Sun Jun 07, 2009 @ 03:48am
    i loved it

    comment AztecBeautie · Community Member · Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 05:29pm
    User Comments: [2]

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