»||Element Academy||«
»||Natalie Rae Lombardi||«
»||Part VIII||«
»||Natalie Rae Lombardi||«
»||Part VIII||«
"Hey Natalie," Chelsea said as she sat down next to her for Algebra.
"Oh hey," Natalie glanced at her. "I haven't seen you since the first day I sat with Tanya and Brooke."
"Yeah, I have just been sitting with someone else."
"That's cool. I didn't even know you were in this class."
Chelsea pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket and showed it to her. "I just changed my schedule."
"Ahh…I see. Well, welcome to the wonderful world of Algebra.”
Professor Rinehart walked in the classroom and immediately started class, not even noticing the new student. Towards the end of class, Chelsea slid Natalie a note and mouthed, “Don’t open it until lunch.” The bell rang and before Natalie could ask anything, Chelsea was gone.
Natalie quickly glanced over the note and gasped in horror. It said:
“I’m done with the cult! I’m done! Don’t try to stop me, by lunch I will be gone. By the way, when my parents come to get my body, tell them I said I love them.
Natalie had no idea who the cult was, but she ran to the main office as fast as she could. She saw the receptionist and stopped in front of her.
“Can I help you dear?” The receptionist asked, slightly started by Natalie’s sudden appearance.
Out of breath, Natalie just handed her the note. The receptionist skimmed over it and hit the intercom button on her desk, “Headmaster, you better come take a look at this,” she said into the intercom with urgency in her voice. He came out of his office and she handed him the note.
“Where did you get this?” The headmaster asked the receptionist. She pointed at Natalie, who was now crying. “Natalie, did she tell you where she would be?”
Startled by him saying her name, she shook her head no and managed to say, “I know she has language arts now,” after remembering the schedule.
“Do you know her last name?” the receptionist asked.
“No, I only met her twice and never bothered to ask,” she though for a moment. "I know she has Professor Gildridge this period though. She might know her last name.”
The receptionist quickly called Professor Gildridge. “Good new,” she said as she hung up the phone, “Chelsea Materialle, bad news is she isn’t in class.”
“The we must search the building for her,” the headmaster said calmly.
The receptionist got on the announcements intercom, “All professors! Please meet in the office immediately! Students stay in your classrooms until you are dismissed.”
Moments later, the headmaster was explaining the situation to the professors. Then everyone left to search for her. “Come with me Natalie,” the headmaster said, leading her outside.
“She’s on the roof!” they heard someone scream. The headmaster and Natalie ran inside and to the roof steps as fast as they could, but by the time they got to the roof, it was too late.
Natalie gasped as she watched Chelsea fling herself off the edge. She could hear muffled screams. Then everything went dark.
When Natalie woke up, she was lying on an uncomfortable bed and could smell a faint scent of disinfectant. The headmaster was sitting next to her. She tried to sit up, but he gently pushed her back down. “You need your rest,” he said.
“Where am I?” Natalie asked him.
“The infirmary. You will be fine, just fainted is all,” he stood up and walked to the door. “I need to go call Chelsea’s parents. I will be back soon.”
“Okay,” Natalie watched him leave and then fell back asleep.
The next day, people kept stopping Natalie and asking what had happened. She just ignored them because it wasn’t really any of their business and she wasn’t entirely sure hat had happened herself. Everything that had happened happened so fast. It was all a daze to her now.
Ryan came up behind Natalie and kissed her neck, “Hey superstar.”
Natalie turned around, “What is that supposed to mean?”
“It means you just became instantly popular. Everybody wants to talk to thee Natalie. My Natalie,” he smiled at her.
“All I did was try to save Chels.”
“Not many people would have done that.”
Natalie shrugged. “I have to get to class.” She turned to leave, but Ryan softly pulled on her arm. She turned to face him and he kissed her, letting everyone around him know that she was his.
Community Member
Wtf is "THE CULT."???
I can't believe Chelsea killed herself!!
OMG! eek
And Ryan? What about CAM?!
You psycho writer person.
Chu write moar NOW.