Help Plz ;o

Name: Bre
Age: 1_
Location: Candy mountain
Status: Single
Questing: Horns of the demon <3 and a Chain Wallet <3
Sexuality: Straighter than a Yard stick
Height: 5'4
Weight: Like 100lbs
Leah has control now >:3
Well Bre Bre is my best friend on Gaia. If one of us is an idiot, then we're bother idiots and that's how we roll.
I met this h.o.e. on Halloween and I'm so happy that I did. She's always been there for me no matter what.
You don't just stumble upon friendships like our's so don't be a carrot about it. This kiddo is gorgeous, randomly funny,
smart, hilarious, trust worthy, and any other awesome things you can think of.
Bre you've been my bfgffae [best ******** Gaia friend forever and ever]