I was at my cousins wedding and my bf was there (he looked so good in what he was wearing omg you should have seen him
4laugh omg he was handsome
heart see and he looks so much better in person -falls over from sexiness-) anyways everytime i go to family things i hide out somewhere where there is nobody around and text my bf. He was with me this time though and we were hanging out int tha front of tha place where my cousin was having tha party after the wedding. My Tia got on to me about not being with tha family like she always does but you know i didnt realize until me and joey got home but there was a rumer going around saying i was a hoe! My family was calling me a hoe! and they say "friends come and go but family will always be there for you"??? no thats just wrong. my friends are more of a family than my actual family i love my friends so this is my shout out to every one who knows me and who will know me! I LOVE YOU GUYS AND EVEN IF YOU START HATING ME I WILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOU