♠... B a c k .. to .. the .. B a s i c sMama Named Me --Soushi Kai RicciOh, But I Also Go By --Sou, or simply just Soushi. Time Flies By --22 human yearsWhat was I again?--NekoI'm Taller Than You --6'4"I Like Me Some --BisexualI'm Always On... --Seme♠... W h a t .. makes .. me .. T i c kYou Know What I Like --Smoking, observing others, sleeping, silence, fruit, night, rain, and piercings. Ew, Keep it Away! --Overly clingy individuals, loud noises, bright lights, abusive people, being forced into complications, and previous owner. I've Got My Own Theme Music! --Famous Last Words, Drive me Blind, Running up that HillMy Story So Far --Soushi was born in France, however, was orphaned at a young age due to the fact that his single mother simply did not wish to care for him. Instead she just left him upon the busy streets of France, on the corner near a lone bar. Now one would believe he would never have survived..and it is halfway to be true. To his fortune he was picked up by a middle-aged man, though it became to be more harmful than helpful. He was raised in violence, forced as the man's slave, not allowed to see the would outside the man's basement.
It wasn't until he was late teen years when the man shipped him off to the Ochite Cat Shop, merely for the reason that Soushi had been 'worn out', according to the man. Though...it wasn't Soushi's fault that he had scars on scars, one in particular which made him blind in his left eye. He's spent the last couple years in the shop, watching the younger and cuter ones of his kind being sold. No one wants a broken soul.. Let's Talk About Me --Soushi is extremely the laid back type. He rarely sparks conversation, and would rather sleep than do anything else. The male has no sense of affection or feeling of 'love', for he never recieved it growing up. Sou can be very lazy, but can be made to do something if nagged, even though he doesn't particularly enjoy it. Due to the years of abuse he is more of a secluded individual, and rarely opens up to anyone. All in all, he's a quiet though not the 'emo' type, questionable yet reserved, and lacking affection person.If You Must Know More --Soushi has four piercings, three on his right ear, and one on his lip. He also wears an eyepatch to cover his scarred blind eye. Sou really has never explored the 'outside' world, and is inexperienced with numerous items. ♠... T e l l .. me .. you .. don't .. love .. M eThe Puppet Master --v-II-Riiko-II-vMy Favorite Color! --Burlywood ♠... B a c k .. to .. the .. B a s i c sMama Named Me --Aschton Kyon SakamoshiOh, But I Also Go By --AschTime Flies By --33What was I again?--HumanI'm Taller Than You --6'2"I Like Me Some --PansexualI'm Always On... --Seme♠... W h a t .. makes .. me .. T i c kYou Know What I Like --Kana, drinking, Kana, smoking, Kana, people who resist his seduction, Kana, sex, oh..did I mention that he adores Kana? Ew, Keep it Away! --Ex-wife, those who give in without a fight, anyone who messes with those he cares for, his own bad parenting skills, Kana's tears.I've Got My Own Theme Music! --What's my age again?, VelvetMy Story So Far --At a very young age Asch was introduced to the high society that he would soon come to loathe. Being the first born son of the rich Sakamoshi family, who owned numerous small businness corporations, pressure was settled even before birth. However, he grew up defying the family's wishes. He was rebellious, and nearly always had his head in the clouds. Of course, it was only natural that he stole off and left his life behind him, without a mere penny to spare. Asch traveled on foot to the town of Sunishi, where he would soon pick up on a bad drinking and smoking habit, due to the stress of being broke and homeless. On a small whim he fooled about with a bartender, and she gave him the money to move into a small apartment. Being at the age of around twenty-five, it was only natural for him to spent time away from her at bars, something he fancied. However, through the flirtation of other females and bad habits a miracle seemed to be brought to him that would change him for eternity.
'I'm pregnant with your child.' Those few words from the bartender's lips would most certainly change his life...forever. They married because of the pregnancy, though at the start they were already arguing. Not to mention since she quit her job, he began to work more and more just to stay away from her. This produced her to believe of him cheating on her, and everyday he came home late she would scold him like a child. Kana May Sakamoshi. Kana, the name Asch picked for her. She, his daughter. At first he did not know what to do, and continued with his behavior of staying out late. And then...one morning as he awoke, his wife was gone, her stuff was gone, not even a note of goodbye's. She had left him, and left her three month old daughter. The thought of being an only father frightened him, however, Kana's smiles brought change in him each day she grew. He began working extra just to give her things. Though no one would realize this, Asch only shows sincere kindness to Kana, for he entirely adores his daughter. Even though his smoking and drinking habits will never cease, he attempts to never allow Kana to see him do it. Some say he still is a bad parent, and that Kana should be taken from him and put into a better environment. With all his power and will Asch vowed to never let that happen.. Let's Talk About Me --Aschton is nowhere near shy or quiet, in fact, he is quite flirtatious and flamboyant. He's childish, and loves to tease and seduce others, and absolutely loves when they resist. Asch looks nowhere near his real age, he ages extremely well, which is why some question his ability to care for Kana. The only time he's completely serious and kind is near his daughter, a side of him many never see, it is truly a priviledge. When he wants to, he can be a complete jack a**, lunatic, and all in all difficult individual. If You Must Know More --Asch's daughter is now four years of age.♠... T e l l .. me .. you .. don't .. love .. M eThe Puppet Master --v-II-Riiko-II-vMy Favorite Color! --Darkgoldenrod