Total Value: 2,686,327 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Leather Victorian Boots
Sheer Stockings
Tomo's Basket
Tomo's Basket
Fremere's Guard 6th Gen.
Nartian Rock 7th Gen.
Nice Style For Work
The Nightmare 2nd Gen.
The Nightmare 2nd Gen.
Masquerade 3rd Gen.
Briar's Shot
A awesome dream avie.
biggrin This is also the beginning of a new character. <3
He's a cross dressing red panda pirate. His pirate name is Captain Edric (Its Old English for prosperous ruler) but his real name is Ehnor Christopher Morgan.
Edric is 25 and healthy, a pirate lord, and an earl (One of noble blood), after inheriting his grand father's fortune from an 'accidental' death. He created his pirate band of which call them selves Pirates of Eleanor or Pirates Of Shining Light.
Unlike most pirates, Edric isn't wanted for anything since he doesn't steal anything from people... Much. He's a treasure hunter, and he sails the seas for treasures and forbidden knowledge of life's secrets. He acts happy, perhaps for some too happy. Despite the beauty he portrays himself as, he can be a pretty dangerous person. He has three younger sisters, and two older brothers, and one younger brother. His parents are still very much alive, but didn't gain anything from Edric's grand father's death.. Not that they were disliked, the old coot figured Edric had 'better' plans.
I.e the old man was in on Edric's pirating escapade. As you might of guessed, it wasn't something his parents had an fancy for. Not like Edric, their sweet 'Ehnor'. They had his future planned for him, as a knight or a successful merchant of high class goods. Such as silks, gems, and even rare animals.
Not surprising at all, Edric didn't want to do those things.. He did not want to risk his life for his country, nor did he want to sell things he would rather much own himself. Not only that, he wanted to keep his life and his interests to himself, if his parents were to know he liked men. They'd literally kill him, or worse.. Take his eyes or tongue.. The very idea of being disfigured is an appalling thought.
As for other things, like his crew. He has a ship large enough to hold at the most thirty men, but he commands only ten. He liked a small crew. If he could, he'd have five men, but that many didn't get things done. Not only that, the ship wouldn't be big enough for his voyages. It wouldn't be large enough to hold what ever he wished. Thus a huge ship and small crew. A perfect combination.
Simpler Profile
Captain Edric
Ehnor Christopher Morgan
Age of 25
Occupation a Pirate Lord
Crew of ten, ship that can hold 30 men
Crew Name: Pirates of Eleanor (Pirates of Shining Light)
Boat Name: Eleanor
He's a rich Earl with many brothers and sisters. He is not the oldest..
Inheritor of his Grand Father's fortune.
He's Bi-Sexual but prefers men over women. (unless they're tough women who can survive the sea and still look beautiful.)