What if i became obsessed with a really stupid game?
What if a hobo was in my bath tub?
What if you kept reading theese?
What if people at my school went crazy and became grunnies?
What if gaia was real and we were our character's?
What if this wasn't annoying?
What if my computer was fried in garlic and tasted yummy?
What if i couldn't use my computer?
What if i became sickly ill and gave everyone a incureable illness?
What if a ghost named bob was in my house and played go fish with me and won????
That would suck cuz im good at go fish gonk
What if i had to go pee and held it so long i exploded?
What if i pee'ed in your bed while i slept over?
What would happen if i slept over at your house?
What if i had to go to the doctor for my pet mouse that dosn't exist?
What if this happend?.....scarey....

What if i was really rich on gaia and gave everyone 1 mill?
What if i was really a leaf on that tree outside your window watching your every move?
What if i was a guy?
What if i stopped and relaxed and watched cloud's?