Ok, this one is hideous, I know, but I was aiming for space mecha.

I've been obsessing over the classilke shoes. I like them a lot

The Female red ninja

Old items don't layer very well (necklace and umbrella)

I'm a ladybug playing with a swarm of butterflys

The ever so elegant white gown. So simple, so gorgeous.

Got the jellyfish cape, just playing around to see what its capable of

A girl summoning something she really should not be

An adventuress of old days. From early England.

Sugu gone Delinquent

With her heart as cold as ice, her very looks could freeze you

An archeologist of great renown, she refused to let the fact that the tomb was defiled get her down and managed to find herself a new pet in the place.
Just a few Avi's I've been saving here and there. Figured I should post them because they are taking over.
Community Member
And once again, Sugu goes from the demonic to the angelic and back. Sugu has much avatar diversity heart