So, I really really love living in Hawaii. My boyfriend is the best on the planet, and his parents are generally awesome.. until recently.
Chris has been coming home and telling me things his parents have been saying recently, like "Your girlfriend is lazy", "She needs to stop borrowing money", "Why does she whine your name so much", "Why doesn't she clean".
I am NOT Lazy, they are just overachievers who think because they own a bakery and work every day and don't get to sleep that because I enjoy sleeping and my days off I am lazy. Feh!
If I don't borrow money, I don't pay rent, I get kicked out. ********, that cycle sucks balls doesn't it!? I pay the boy back!! His parents barrow too =_=, I hate hypocrites really I do.
I whine sometimes, but for lords sake, why do you have to whine about my whining when I'm not whining at you? I don't even whine honestly, normally its joking, like "Chriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssss Iiimm thirstyyy", To be kinda cute in a sense. Rawr, Its how I am, deal with it.
Why don't I clean? Why.. dont I clean..? Pardon me... I may not be the neatest person in the world but this house looks pretty good on a daily basis. If something spills I clean it, I do grandpa's laundry for him because he is too frail to do it on his own, i offer to do grandpa's dishes. I do my own dishes too. I spot clean when it is needed. You guys are just way to neat freakish.
Seriously, the hyporitizm thats being said about me behind my back makes me want to go home. sweatdrop and I am taking chris with me, coz the poor dear is forced to listen to his parents complain and then hear me b***h about what they said.
If you read this, leave me some advice on what to do in the comments. Please..
Chris has been coming home and telling me things his parents have been saying recently, like "Your girlfriend is lazy", "She needs to stop borrowing money", "Why does she whine your name so much", "Why doesn't she clean".
I am NOT Lazy, they are just overachievers who think because they own a bakery and work every day and don't get to sleep that because I enjoy sleeping and my days off I am lazy. Feh!
If I don't borrow money, I don't pay rent, I get kicked out. ********, that cycle sucks balls doesn't it!? I pay the boy back!! His parents barrow too =_=, I hate hypocrites really I do.
I whine sometimes, but for lords sake, why do you have to whine about my whining when I'm not whining at you? I don't even whine honestly, normally its joking, like "Chriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssss Iiimm thirstyyy", To be kinda cute in a sense. Rawr, Its how I am, deal with it.
Why don't I clean? Why.. dont I clean..? Pardon me... I may not be the neatest person in the world but this house looks pretty good on a daily basis. If something spills I clean it, I do grandpa's laundry for him because he is too frail to do it on his own, i offer to do grandpa's dishes. I do my own dishes too. I spot clean when it is needed. You guys are just way to neat freakish.
Seriously, the hyporitizm thats being said about me behind my back makes me want to go home. sweatdrop and I am taking chris with me, coz the poor dear is forced to listen to his parents complain and then hear me b***h about what they said.
If you read this, leave me some advice on what to do in the comments. Please..
Community Member
My bf (Adam) has the same kind of family. Well his dad really doesn't mind me and we joke around sometimes. His mom however....
Well she yelled at us cause we were using too many dishes...then yelled at me for doing the dishes "wrong" somehow. I dunno I gave them an extra scrubbing seeing as they don't have a dishwasher and put them away nicely to dry.
I also admit I'm not always the cleanest person...
I left one...ONE as in 1 bottle in the living room and suddenly I'm the Goddess of messy!
Oh and forgive me that I cleaned the litter box because I felt sorry for the cats...even though I'm sensitive to dusty litter like they have.
Really you are bound to not be liked by a family I swear. It all depends on how they were raised themselves. For example Adam's dad was raised by a caring mother who told him that yes people will be different. His mother...I'm not too sure but she is totally my half enemy. I'm trying to break her by simply being nice to her and ranting about her later. Maybe you can try the same?