These are your best references so far.

Pumpkin and the signature is optional &3
I would like her to be sitting on a carved pumpkin.
The pumpkin should have a pretty wicked looking face for his carving x3
but a little heart should be coming from him.. he's got a sexy lady sitting on him ;D
The jack'd headphones aren't supposed to be headphones.
Those jack'd skull pumpkin faces are supposed to be replacing the skulls on the omg.
So its not supposed to look like headphones c:
Her hair, the bangs of it at least, are supposed to be streaked with orange and black.
The leg warmers, the queen bee thingies, well theyre not supposed to be little queen bee thingies xD
The ribbons are supposed to be candy corn colours &3
And the little bell thing's at the ends are supposed to be little candy corn pieces.
I would like it if she had a seductive happy look on her face :3
The chain wallet should have a broken red winged star on it.
The belt should be low on her hips, along with the skirt.
She's got black shorts on underneath so its okay if she looks a bit skimpy.
For her collar, I would like it if she had a little pumpkin pendant hanging from it.
Underneath the pumpkin, I would like it to say.
Happy Halloween ;D
with love from
with this as my signature underneath it &3

Her broom should be in her hand.
The wench's corset should have vine-like designs all over it <3
Her legwarmers should have the anklet wings as a design on the warmers themselves.
Not sticking out like winged feet.
I would like to have little pumpkin designs on the border of her skirt.
Also, on her collar, I would like it if she had a little pumpkin pendant coming from it ^^ <3
I would like her expression to be an innocent happy look on her face.
** The Pumpkin designs and the signature options also go for her too :3