Everybody knows you're a very busy person. But here's a question: Are you able to squeeze time into your hectic schedule for God? Hopefully so! But if you're one of those people who rush through the day with scarcely s single moment to talk with your Creator, it's time to reshuffle your priorities.
You live in a noisy world, a world filled with distractions, frustrations, temptations, and complications. But if you allow the distractions of everyday life to distract you from God's peace, you're doing yourself a big disservice. So here's some good advice: Instead of rushing nonstop through the day, slow yourself down long enough to have a few quiet minutes with God.
Nothing is more important than the time you spend with your Heavenly Father. Absolutely nothing. So be still and claim the inner peace that is your spiritual birthright: The peace of Jesus Christ. It is offered freely; It has been paid for in full; It is yours for the asking. So ask. And then share.
Thoughts For Today.
Getting things accomplished isn't nearly as important as taking time for love.
Forgetting your mission leads, inevitable, to getting tangled up in details--details that can take you completely off your path.
A Tip For Today.
Want to talk to God? Then don't make Him shout. If you really want to hear from God, go to a quiet place and listen. If you keep listening long enough and carefully enough, He'll start talking.
A Prayer For Today.
Dear Lord, sometimes, I am distracted by the busyness of the day or the demands of the moment. When I am worried or anxious, Father, turn my thoughts back to You. Help me to trust Your will, to follow Your commands, and to accept Your Peace, today and forever. Amen.
Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him.
Psalms 37:7 NIV
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