Imagine having to choose between cake or pie...
There is a war going on. YOU must choose; live for or die for cake or pie!
Is there anything better than a slice of fresh baked pie? (not apple, I hate apple. It's not really American.) It makes a great breakfast, and a smashing dessert. There's a billion different kinds. Pie brings joy and hope. Here's a top ten list of uses for pies.
1) Put some in your shoes as an oder eater.
2) Knock on it when you don't have any wood.
3) Throw it at people who annoy you.
4) Take a nap in it (like a round sleeping bag!)
5) Finish every sentence with "in accordance to the Pie prophetsies."
6) Leave whole pies on random street corners with little protest signs.
7) Threaten people's lives with Pie Ninjas.
8 ) Three words: "Under their pillow."
9) Stick the pages of your least favorite library books together using pie filling.
10) Carry a pie around pretending it's an eight ball. Watch people's faces when you shake it.
Or maybe you fancy cake. No shame there, after all cake is served on birthdays. It also comes in many varieties, and you get to decorate it. Not to be out done, it gets a list as well.
1) Put some in your pockets for later, just in case.
2) Smash someone's face in it.
3) Always ask people to bake a nail file into your birthday cake, tell them "it's just in case."
4) While eating cake, complain about how mad you were when you lost your contact while baking it. (this works best at parties)
5) Ask cake to tell you it's theories on Quantum Chrono Dynamics. Look enraptured, and go "Ah... really?"
6) Throw it on the ground!
7) Spread frosting on the side of your house and decorate. Tell people you live in a cake.
8 ) It makes a stylish hat.
9) Threaten to strap people into the Electric Cake if they don't behave.
10) Make inspirational posters ("Don't be afraid to go one more layer!" wink
So. Are you Pie, or Cake?
![]() Xx Mosakra xX Community Member ![]() |