"what!? i cannot believe you are here with her!" Arya screemed at her fiance. "Am i not good enough for you? You need two girls? i hate you!" she grabbbed her ring and threw it at him, slapped his face, then walked away..... Her own thoughts inside were " i cant believe i did that! i still love him! i have no idea why my actions happened .. my life is ruined!!" A single tear ran down Arya's face. She stiffened her lip. " i did that for some reason i guess" She ran as fast as the wind could carry her... feeling more free. She saw a lake up ahead, and with all her clothes on she jumped in. "WOOOOOOOOOO" Arya smiled she hadnt felt this free in a long time. Suddenly something grabbed her leg and pulled her under! "WAH HELP!!!!!" but her screams were drowned out by the water. She urgently flayed her arms from side to side fighting to get to the surface and whatever had her. Finally she kicked her leg that was being held and hit the face of whatever had her. It let go at that instant. Arya went back to the surface and swam back down to see what had her. " Oh my god" She saw one of her friends who she forgot walked with her to see her fiance. His face was bleeding and he was sinking slowly. "Help me!! Someone help me!!" Arya had pulled her friend Sam out of the water. She was afraid no one had heard her. Arya burst into tears still screaming for help.......