Age:21 (Real Age Unknown)
Persona: He doesn't talk much to people, He keeps to himself...
Bio:Not much is known about his past. This is all the Information that has been uncovered.[Not yet a Vampire] Victor born in Transylvania, Family of Vlad the Impaler...His family was considered royalty to the local people. He led a peaceful life until the secret of Vampires was discovered. Here is what the Villagers had as information:
1.The Family was never seen in the local markets.
2.People began to go missing all of whom who were all last seen entering the Mansion on the hill. This began to bring those rumors to life
3.Livestock began to die from mysterious wounds.
4.A Family that lived the closest to the Family claimed that screams could be heard from below, coming from the Mansion.[People laughed at the lower family, thinking that it was absurd that a wealthy family would kill. Others who tested this theory said that it was just the family laughing and/or having a party]
5.The Mayor went to the Mansion to investigate the strange events, along with a messenger boy. When they arrived, the Mayor had told the young boy to stay back, as he said that the huge mansion doors swung open and Vlad emerged. This gave the Young boy an odd feeling, the mayor noticed a red substance apawn Vlad's coats, Vlad simply stated that it was jam, he then graciously asked the Mayor in for some tea. The young boy had ran away before anyone could see him. Ten days had passed and there had been no sight of the mayor...the boy began to tell stories of what might have happened. The Boy became to worried and decided to go look for himself, the boy was never again seen after that day.
6:A man claiming to have been the only person to come out of the mansion alive, told stories at a local pub about the happenings inside of the mansion. Telling of people with fangs and a thirst that could only be quenched by blood of a living animal and/or human.
This Mansion housed the so called Vampire Family. The town folk instantly noticed the family's unique behavior. The town organized a group to confront the family, The Head of the family Vlad noticed the group's advance to the castle, he saw their anger, and their fear of him. This made him very happy, he gathered the family and gave them their own personal mission. He gave Katrina, [Victor's older sister] orders to flee with Victor from the mansion. The reasoning behind this is unclear, theory on this is that he did not want anything to happen to those two out of love, others say that he wanted them to survive and continue his work and set the world on fire. This effort was useless, while fleeing Katrina and Victor encountered a smaller group of Villagers, they were ready to kill. Katrina told Victor to stay back, he listened as he watched her kill effortlessly, it looked as if the problem would be vanquished, until a large man came up behind Victor and struck him with a farmers scythe. Victor fell to his knees, the sight of this made Katrina angry and sad she ran to his side and started to cry. She never wanted to do this but it had to be done, she bit Victor injecting him with the power to live on forever. This was the mistake she would never make again, the big villager who struck Victor, began
to strike Katrina with enough force to smash her head in and decapitate her. The Villagers left leaving the two dead, so they thought, Victor awoke days later. After seeing his sister massacred he fled the town without thinking of going back. He traveled for years staying out of the public, fearing that he wouldn't ever be able to "Fit" in with the others, scared that they would try to kill him again. What has become of him no one knows.......some say he lives in a darkened forest in Central America.....but there has been no proof of this.
This information was taken from a book found in the Mansion, and remnants of skeletons found outside the walls of the town.

This is copyright Bloodlustingvampireboy 11/12/09 this is not the complete version