These r post ppl said about my friend.
Laura….I don’t disagree with you re the death penalty. My point in saying earlier that children kill children everyday is that it is just a fact of our society. Some kids don’t even have a chance at learning closeness, love, society rules, good, bad etc etc. What they learn from an early age is pain, anger and survival in “their” world.
Thinkerbelle To me when someone hands over a note and leads them to the body. It is clear this person did it. We wonder why or how all of this will end… Well don’t let them go. Children aren’t as INNOCENT as we believe them to be. I counsel with them daily. Believe me. They know more about life then anyone can imagine.
What I heard, Laura, is that the mother is a drug addict and the father is in prison, but that’s just hearsay for now. She lives with her grandparents. She was a good girl who won equestrian awards. Allegedly. Something changed her. A grungy, gothic, boyfriend? I don’t know.
Laura, the hardness of it all is that many kids can not be “saved.” No matter what… they are who they are….this gal might have had a horrible, hard life but she doesn’t get to pass “go” because of it.
Newbie – I don’t think she should be given a “pass” either, but there is a very strong possibility that if convicted, she will be released, potentially befor her 30th B-Day, based on sentencing guidelines alone.
Do you want to see punishment or rehabilitation? Should she enter the mental health system or the prison system? We need to face the fact that by in large the prison system is designed to punish. I believe it it safe to surmise that this young person is Severly Emotionally Disturbed and as an adult will most likely be deemed Severely and Persistently Mentall Ill. At this stage of development, she does not have the mental capacity of an adult and does not process information, risk, long-term consequences, etc the same way we do. More so if she is living with a severe mentall illness.That is why teens need parents to assist them with trasnstioning to adulthood. When released from prison, her mental state will not have changed. IMO, at the very least she needs to spend some time in a state hospital.
I had another post that is being censored or caught up in cyberspace.
As a Canadian, I’ve never considered the DP. It was “outlawed” years ago, long before I reached the age of when I might have put some thought into it. Folowing Caylee’s case made me put some thought into it and I can say I don’t agree ith it. 35 years ago we had a serial killer Clifford Olsen who terrorized our community, kidnapping, raping and mutilating children. It was sick.
In the back of my mind, I’ve thought that a serial killer should be put to death because they killed multiple people. That mind set negates the worth of an individual who was also intentionally murdered. Simplistic, yes. Anyone who intentionally murders should be behind bars for the rest of their natural life. That’s my opinion.
There was a recent case where an 8 year old executed his father and the boarder living in the house. Is an 8 year old responsible for his actions. No, I personally don’t think so, JMO.
Does anyone remember that young boy a few years ago (extremely oversized for his age) who was “wrestling” with a 5 year old child in his home while his mom slept? She had been beaten to a pulp. Were his actions really intentional? Did he know he was beating her to death? I don’t think he did, JMO.
If we are to believe the evidence released from Dave and other sources, this 15 year old girl premeditated the murder of a little girl. Is she responsible for her actions? Hell yes.
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