1)******Am I******
Am I moody?-
Am I sweet?-
Am I crazy?-
Am I insane?-
Am I funny?-
Am I ugly?-
Am I psycho?-
Am I annoying?-
Am I a good person?-
Am I odd?-
2)******Would You******
Hug me?-
Kill me?-
kiss me?-
Marry me?-
Miss me if i was gone?-
Listen to my problems?-
Hug me if i cried?-
Be a good friend?-
Would you have sex me?-
3)******If You Could...******
Give me a new name it would be?-
Hook me up with someone who would it be? (Not a celeb.) -
Hook me up with a celeb who would it be?-
Do one thing with me it would be?-
Drop me one piece of advice it would be?-
4)******Just A Few Questions******
What do u like about me?-
What do u hate about me?-
What is my best quality?-
Do you hate me?-
Is my personality good?-
1. Who are you?-
2. Do you have a crush on me?-
3. are you in love with me?-
4. Are we good friends?-
5. Do we know each other in real life?-
6. Am I handsom?-
7. Is my avatar handsom? (Lol)-
8. Whats your favorite kind of music?-
9. Will you put this in your journal so i can answer these questions about you??
View User's Journal
Things that I say.....
Everything that I deem worthy of being written shall be here.
Lilenyx Hidou
Community Member |
GOTTA KEEP MAH NUTS SOMEWHERE RIGHT?[/color:ab4ce66052][/size:ab4ce66052][/align:ab4ce66052][img:ab4ce66052]http://i777.photobucket.com/albums/yy59/Lerruno/cute.jpg[/img:ab4ce66052][/align:ab4ce66052][img:ab4ce66052]http://badges.mypersonality.info/badge/0/19/194855.png[/img:ab4ce66052]
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Community Member
Feed Me!
1)******Am I******
Am I moody?- Naw.
Am I sweet?- Course. :3
Am I crazy?- Lul, Not that I know of.
Am I insane?- Isn't it the same as crazy? o-o
Am I funny?- Yeah x3.
Am I ugly?- Hell no D<
Am I psycho?- Again, crazy and insane? Don't they all go hand in hand?
Am I annoying?- Not to me o 3o
Am I a good person?- Yes.
Am I odd?- Yeah :3 But it's cute x3.
2)******Would You******
Hug me?- Yeah.
Kill me?- o-o I don't think I could. Even if you were a zombie.
kiss me?- <////< I plead the fifth.
Marry me?- >////> I plead the fifth again.
Miss me if i was gone?- Yeah ;-;
Listen to my problems?- Of course!
Hug me if i cried?- :: Huggles. :: Yeah.
Be a good friend?- Arent I already? o 3o
Would you have sex me?- >////< I plead the fifth again again.
3)******If You Could...******
Give me a new name it would be?- Lui.
Hook me up with someone who would it be? (Not a celeb.) - Um.... Iunno.
Hook me up with a celeb who would it be?- I don't knoe CELEBS! D:
Do one thing with me it would be?- Meet you :3
Drop me one piece of advice it would be?- Never give up, never surrender.
4)******Just A Few Questions******
What do u like about me?- Everything. You're sweet all around :3.
What do u hate about me?- Hrm... That you don't like your own Butt! D<
What is my best quality?- You are your best quality? o-o
Do you hate me?- Hellz naw. D<
Is my personality good?- Of course!
1. Who are you?- I are Lunar. ;3
2. Do you have a crush on me?- Gah! I plead again! D:
3. are you in love with me?- Same as above <<
4. Are we good friends?- I dunno o-o;;
5. Do we know each other in real life?- No, But maybe one day? surprised
6. Am I handsom?- YES! Duh.
7. Is my avatar handsom? (Lol)- Cute bunny boy :3
8. Whats your favorite kind of music?- Everything.
9. Will you put this in your journal so i can answer these questions about you?? Pfft .. Maybe <.<
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