I was a nervous wrek yesterday evening and this morning. It was all on me to remember how to do every little step for F.P.S and it was all on me to keep Jonna and those two boys in line. No, I am not saying that because I felt pressured...Mrs. Marsalett TOLD me that it was all resting on my shoulders! I didn't get ANY sleep last night due to the fact that I stayed up trying to memorize all 18 challenge catagories, as well as the 6 steps in F.P.S! it may not seem like much, oh but let me tell you...! I was fairly dissapointed in Makoto for dropping out of F.P.S too...but...I never should've expected it out of him....oh well...
So, today was the day of F.P.S. Glory! So, I left school at 8:30 to go to MCA for F.P.S and English comp. Jonna acted as if she had OCD durrign the whole prep time. Ohh she gets on my nerves!! When we started, we all freaked out because the promt was so easy, that it was hard! UGH!! We came up with 8 problems, 8 solutions, and we didn't finish the action plan!! WAHH!!
After freaking out because we didn't finish that, I had to go do english comp!! I was really stressed then! The promt was something that I could write about at least. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Glad to know that much. I don't think that I did to well though.
I've been thinking alot....and I give up. No, really. I'm letting it go all together. Just gonna drop it. I'm not going to hold on to that little string anymore. I don't think that anyone but Asuka knows what I mean when I say that...well, Michiyo, you'd know if you really thought about it. Maybe you would too, Masahiro. I dunno.....oh forget it. Oh, and Michiyo....this has NOTHING to do with suicide....before you even say it.
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~ Yakino Makai
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To "whom," surely![/color:1982d84c67]
~ Yakino Makai
Visit my Deviantart page! Comment on things. I love it~
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To "whom," surely![/color:1982d84c67]
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