I slept over my best friend's house last night, so I spent pretty much the entire day at her house. The whole time I felt a little odd, a small headache, my throat a little sore, but not bad, per say. I blew it off and managed to ignore it. She practically tied me down and made me watch her favorite movie, A Walk to Remember, at around tenish this morning. It's a good movie, but it's loooooong. Mandy Moore is pretty good, and Scott West (or whatever his name is) is just downright hot. Eventually, it was over and we sat in her room making fun of Owl City lyrics, even though we both love Owl City. We finally left her room and we went to the computer in her den and surfed the web for a while. So like at four, my mom comes and says "O.K., it's Chanukka you're spending time with the family." So I go home, and all of the sudden, the little odd things turn into an "OMG! I feel sick!" Does that say something about my family? Or is it coincedence? Then my robe from L.L. Bean arrives and I'm all like "YAY!!!" ,then my feeling sick catches up to me and I almost double over. Vanilla Twilight just came on on my iPod, which is blasting (for the purpose of parental annoyance) on my iHome. So now, even though I spent the entire day with her, I want to call my best friend. Go figure.