Name ::
- Nevard
Job Title ::
- Police Officer / Guard
Residency ::
- Relinquished Hope (Rali’s Building)
Race ::
- Fey Druid
Hair Color ::
- Deep Purple
Hair Style ::
- Straight, roughly shoulder blade length and angled in front to mildly frame his face.
Eye Color ::
- Pale Gray
Skin Color ::
- Pale Gray with a touch of purple hue.
Height ::
- 5’9’’
Age ::
- Appears to be around 23. Actual age is 247.
Personality ::
- Wise, and very law abiding. Believes in proper manners and educate and is almost frumpy in the sense of how strictly he tends to live his life.
Clothing ::
- Leather jackets, scruffy faded worn blue jeans, and a various amount of tee-shirts with different symbols phrases, and markings on them.
Distinguishing Traits ::
- Long pointed ears, purple hair, and several bullet and knife wound scars that line his chest arms and legs that carry over to his animal forms.
Brief History ::
- Even having seen a few centuries of life there really isn’t all that much to tell. He’s been a police officer for many…many years ever since he was old enough to join the force, and even with the human world not knowing mostly about any species other than their own and ‘freaks’ as they call them, he was able to work in plain sight of them without much ridicule because he passed off his long ears as a ‘birth defect’.
A few months ago, however, his partner died. He had never had a partner on the force for longer than a year, and this particular partner he had been with for a little over fifteen years. The man was shot and killed in an instant right before his very eyes leaving him unable to function properly to do his duities. His boss, saw things a little differently however, and he basically fired Nevard for not being human (the police force of course aware that it wasn’t a birth ‘defect’ of his) and they let him go.
He soon came to work for Faolin, to work as his head security and body guard audit. Afterall, he is good at his job and has many years of experience. He’s actually almost over qualified, but at least this way, the only sort of partner he’ll ever have again…will be the one in the bedroom, not the one waiting to get shot on the front line with him.
Special Abilities ::
- He can change into four different animals. A large black wolf, a large black panther, a raven, and a tiny little black mouse. He’s currently working on being able to turn into an alligator, but is having problems because moving from a warm blooded creature to something that’s cold blooded is mildly dangerous.
Habits or Quirks ::
- He’s a little ‘trigger’ happy at times. Attack first, question latter. He is also a rather persistent chain smoker ever since his partner dies, and it is the only vice he really truly has besides blaming himself for every wrong in the world and under the sun.
Name ::
Job Title ::
Residence ::
Race ::
Hair Color ::
Hair Style ::
Eye Color ::
Skin Color ::
Height ::
Age ::
Personality ::
Clothing ::
Distinguishing Traits ::
Brief Background ::
Special Abilities ::
Habits or Quirks ::
- Taskai
Job Title ::
- The Jester
Residence ::
- Relinquished Hope (Rali’s Building)
Race ::
- Unknown.
Hair Color ::
- Blood Red.
Hair Style ::
- Wavy, which goes to do approximately his hips.
Eye Color ::
- Emerald Green.
Skin Color ::
- Bronze.
Height ::
- 5’7
Age ::
- 519+ (Apears to be in his early twenties)
Personality ::
- Loud. Taskai isn’t afraid to make a total fool out of himself. He’s obnoxious and very perverse. Everything relates back to sex. To be blunt there probably isn’t anyone between the two buildings that hasn’t slept with this man. He will try anything once, and if a group of people nearby are doing something (ex. Smoking), he’s more than willing to join in. It’s also very hard to keep Taskai interested within one single relationship. Especially considering his horrible crush on Rali.
Clothing ::
- All specially made. Taskai never buys clothing from a store, rather he pays people to make it for him. This ranges from suits in obnoxious colors, to thick turtleneck sweaters for winter, or even just a simple casual shirt. He tends to stay away from red or green clothing, preferring things in black or white. He’s also very fond of orange.
Distinguishing Traits ::
- Taskai’s ears are finned, like some sort of sea creature. They range in a prism of color from purple, green, blue, and red. Not to mention any shades in between. They’re very flashy and attention drawing, which is why he usually hides within his hair (not wanting to put off the ladies..).
Brief Background ::
- When Taskai was young he lived underwater with Skaita and his fellow kin. Yet this past isn’t something that he has much of a memory on. He remembers living underwater, and meeting a woman so beautiful that he could never get her out of his mind. A sea witch, whom he ended up cheating on, which caused the witch to curse him and his kind. His kind lost the ability to breed, all of them becoming sterile overnight, while Taskai carried the tribal tattoos to prove her hatred. Each one carved from her nails. These marks cover Taskai from head to foot, but since their initial arrival 400 or so years in the past, he’s grown very skilled at covering them up. His kind banished him, which led Taskai to wander the world. He later ended up sick, and staggering about, having fallen down upon a dirt road assuming it’d be the last time he saw the stars, he let death come.
Only when he awoke it was with a golden eyed werewolf whom he grew horribly fond of. Rali had rescued him, and the world he knew was only that of this day forward. The fever took away his memory, and with it he was given a fresh start. He became Rali’s right hand man, the man who later dated one of Rali’s nephiews only to marry him. Taskai was happy, happier than he ever had been, and yet, the Jester was well known for his multiple partners. It ruined his marriage, his husband killing himself (or so they said), because of these actions. Which is how Taskai met Nevard, the cop who came when Taskai’s world crumbled. The cop who began to visit for more than just the sake of his cases. A relationship began, something animalistic and needy which Taskai shamed himself for. Taking a partner so soon after his husbands departure, it tore him up inside. Yet he found peace with it, just as Skaita showed up in an attempt to kill him. Which, thankfully, he managed to talk the boy out of, only to have the rest of Skaita’s clan show up and try to do to the same. The leader Taskai cornered on his own, and killed without mercy, wanting to make a point. That he could be the monster they thought he was, and it seems for whatever reason, once the leader was gone the others backed down. Allowing Taskai to live his life with Nevard. Keeping mostly to himself and the cop, Taskai isn’t often seen around the others of his kin.
Special Abilities ::
- He’s cursed, not only by a sea witch (making him practically impossible to kill), but also by Rali. Upon the nights of the full moon he turns into something akin to a giant zombie canine. As such, he has increased speed, sense of smell, and sight. Not to mention, those cravings of the flesh increase too. Taskai also has the ability to create minor hallucinations, usually so long as his audience is no larger than 300 people.
Habits or Quirks ::
- Taskai is usually always fiddling with something within his hands. Paperclips, buttons, anything he can get his hands on. It’s a nervous habit of his. Taskai is usually always grinning, granted, more in that manner which states that he’s undressing you with his eyes. He’s also well known for leaning in doorways and skulking about.