Your Result: cecil
Cecil relies on his experiences as both a dark knight and paladin, and may freely switch between either during battle. Aerial combat is his forte, combining fast movements with expert swordplay. In the original game, he was Lord Captain of Baron's airship force, the Red Wings, until circumstances led to his dismissal and embarkation on a journey of self-discovery. Eventually he was able to overcome his dark past and start down the path of a paladin.
Result Breakdown:
85% cecil
41% firion
36% warrior of light
36% cloud
35% tidus
28% onion knight
27% bartz
23% squall
14% zidane
14% terra
Quiz Created on GoTo Quiz
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You HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HAAATTTTTEEEEEE everything! You hate the world around you. You hate the people around you. You hate the air around you. You hate the kittens that breath that air around you. And above all, hate all things that are alive, were alive, currently existing, currently not existing, and things to come into existence later. In general...HATE HATE HATE is your way of life, salted with pure destruction and insanity
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He who began it all. You are a furious warrior whose strength wreaks havoc on the battle field. Domination is a way of life; those who stand against you are soon to fall under the might of your blade.