
Name: Craig (last name unknown)
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Weapon: 2 handguns that are always loaded and at his side
Fears: Losing his friend to anyone(including significant others), being caught without his guard up, and a cave in on his home.
Likes: Women, smoking, his friend(George), warm places, having nothing to do, and taking cat naps
Dislikes: Having too many things to do at one time, sugary things/sweets, being alone for too long, math, when his mind plays tricks on him, and thinking of his old home
Personality: Craig is a simply playboy that gets around with almost all the ladies, and somehow manages to keep them all under his fingers. Even though he is the manipulating man he is, a young man named George has somehow befriended him since they were little. Not to mention his extensive flirting issue, he can't seem to keep his eyes focused on one thing long enough to get it done, leading him to procrastinate a bit. He believes that things go right for him for a reason, and is fine with how things are for him.
Bio: Craig believes that there was no childhood to him, and with the loss of the painful memories he had came the rest of his memories, leaving only those of him, his women, and his best friend.
Motto: Live hard or don't live at all