Knight in Shining Armor, Go Skittles!
~Open for RP, Please just PM ~
~Open for RP, Please just PM ~
Name: Irvine Rozenkratz
Nickname: Irvi, Skittles
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: Australian
Mate: Wiles Anderson - 1.5yrs
Sexuality: Opportunistic / Seme
Hgt: 6'1"
Body Frame: Medium build, broad chest, light husky
Hair Style: Abit on the disheveled side, bangs that over his left eye, back part found in a waist long braid that's rainbow colored.
Color: Braid - Rainbow colored, Rest - Raven Black
Eye Color: Violet
Skin Tone: Forever toasty tan
Beauty Marks: Tattoo of "Press Button to Operate" With a button on his chest right over his heart.

Personality: Skittle, while he may not look like it, is extremely patient that the earth would give way beneath him before he did. He enjoys life and is abit of a thrill seeker, also loves giving Wiles a hard time.
Short Bio: Born in Melbourne, Australia. Where he lived at until he was about 7, when his parents decided to move to the states for one thing or another. Growing up in a peaceful town by day was decent enough, but nights were a whole another story as both his parents were druggies. From the age of 9, Irvine would catch glimpse of his mother a completely beautiful woman being whore'd out by his father, who used to be a good man a marine solider who's life was once held with honor but the new sensations that brought to them because of their connections .. well left a less then honorable home family environment. However, going to high school was the highlight of his life, where he could be out of the house and away from all the guys coming home to sleep with his mother, father in a drug induced stupor. Where he met Wiles, always getting picked on and quiet.. he just couldn't help but find the need to protect and watch over him, from that time they were inseparable. By late high school they were together, and enjoys picking on him and only he can pick on him, but its shows that he cares.
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