Although he was not visible to his target, he moved silently. Drawing a dagger in the dead of night he drove it through the man's heart. The human prince let out a gasp as his eyes flew open. Blood spattered from his mouth as he struggled to figure out what had happened to him. However, his eyes, his body slowly began to shut down and without a word, died in his bed.
Amiamaru was a demon through and through. He was an assassin by trade for those who refused to get their hands dirty. He was a high class assassin for he was able to keep himself from being caught. Also... he enjoyed killing off pathedic humans. The stories of love and happily ever after made him sick, and he found enjoyment out of tearing apart the hopes and dreams. He had no clue how creatures like himself could give up their imortality for a human. That was then...
He had been instructed to take the life of a young woman. However, the night that he had planned on killing her... he peered down at the beautiful woman who lay asleep. The dagger he had planned on driving through her heart stayed at his side as she breathed in and out slowly. He had not killed her that night... or the night after. After a week of watching her sleep, his employer became angry and sent a different killer to dispose of her... Amiamaru had distroyed the assassin and the second one that came after. The next night he decided that he needed to complete the job that he had been sent for.
He placed poisen within his own mouth and leaned onto the bed over the sleeping woman. He placed his lips upon hers gently, letting the poisen seep into her mouth. The poisen wouldn't hurt him... he knew that. After the poisen had left his mouth he curled up next to her, his head upon her chest as he listened to her heart slowly fade. Then, he felt his eyes drooping slightly and he fell asleep there next to her. As he fell asleep, his imortality seeped into her dead body, drawing one more life for her, as it lowered himself to a siimple human.
[[pm to continue. Princess, a queen, a Lady, dutchess, you get the point.]]