Down the road there is a house of screams,
No one knows what goes on there because most people can't hear it,
But I'm one of the few who can.
One night I snuck out in the midnight hour down to the house of screams,
In the window there was snow and a figure with bright red eyes,
The glass turned red and said,"Your Next".
The next night I returned to the house and the figure was there again,
Watching and waiting for me to get close,
But I stayed on the other side of the street,
A girl was walking toward the house and the figure smiled,
The door swung open and she entered with out a second glance back,
A moment later the figure was back and covered from head to waist in crimson.
I ran as fast as I could away from there,
Once home I hid with a cross hoping it didn't follow.
Next day the house was torn down and six bodies were found,
Along with one that looked like the girl in the window,
Her body was completely covered from head to toe in the other bodies blood,
That meant she killed them.
That night there was a crunch that didn't belong,
I opened my eyes and two red one stared back,
I couldn't scream,
I couldn't move,
I could only cry,
It was the end.
The girl laughed insanely and pulled out a knife...
In my last moments I cried and begged that I could make it through,
Sadly it was over for the red eyes I'd come to hate had a smiling glimmer,
Everything turned red...
Then faded into black.
((I wish I could say that this isn't true but she's now passed.
Once she was an attachment thanks to actually doing something stupidly similar to this.
But it didn't end this way.
She only made me have this gruesome dream.
No one knows what goes on there because most people can't hear it,
But I'm one of the few who can.
One night I snuck out in the midnight hour down to the house of screams,
In the window there was snow and a figure with bright red eyes,
The glass turned red and said,"Your Next".
The next night I returned to the house and the figure was there again,
Watching and waiting for me to get close,
But I stayed on the other side of the street,
A girl was walking toward the house and the figure smiled,
The door swung open and she entered with out a second glance back,
A moment later the figure was back and covered from head to waist in crimson.
I ran as fast as I could away from there,
Once home I hid with a cross hoping it didn't follow.
Next day the house was torn down and six bodies were found,
Along with one that looked like the girl in the window,
Her body was completely covered from head to toe in the other bodies blood,
That meant she killed them.
That night there was a crunch that didn't belong,
I opened my eyes and two red one stared back,
I couldn't scream,
I couldn't move,
I could only cry,
It was the end.
The girl laughed insanely and pulled out a knife...
In my last moments I cried and begged that I could make it through,
Sadly it was over for the red eyes I'd come to hate had a smiling glimmer,
Everything turned red...
Then faded into black.
((I wish I could say that this isn't true but she's now passed.
Once she was an attachment thanks to actually doing something stupidly similar to this.
But it didn't end this way.
She only made me have this gruesome dream.