Tiger and Texting
M'kay. So there's a lot on my mind involving jobs, graduation, and big final Teacher Work Sample Projects. So in the midst of all the stress, I need something positive to think about and need some opinions on it:
Ok, so we're eligible for an upgrade with AT&T right now. Somehow, someway, I'm adding texting, but will be paying for it myself. So, this is what it comes down to...
The phone that I reeeeally like and want is a Pantech Reveal in Blue. However, when you get that phone, you have to get a $20 messaging and/or data plan. So, AT&T's messaging is $20 for unlimited texting. Now, I am really leaning towards just dishing the money out because I feel if I have it, I'll use it to text people that I couldn't before. But at the same time, I'm hesitant about spending that much money every month. My other option is to do $5 for 200 messages a month and get a phone that is Ok but that I don't like nearly as much as the Reveal.
So. I'd like thoughts and opinions from those of you who have had texting and what you think I should do.
Much love and thanks!