Every thing that is important to making the humper is in normal size text.
everything else is just random facts.
Also if you see blue text, it's a link for an example of some sort.
everything else is just random facts.
Also if you see blue text, it's a link for an example of some sort.

<---- Better Examples of his hair and clothes can be seen blow.
•age 23
•height 6’5”
•skin tone pale
•eye color his Left eye is brown and his right is Blue (your left and right)
•hair color Orangie brown
•hair style The sides of his head are shaved, while the hair on top is long and pulled back into a pony tail; Which is curly and falls to just above his shoulders which curls up a bit at the end.
•build Very lanky non muscular
•clothing style Aussi-kins is as fashion blind as Kirana (is probably why they make such good friends). Aussi is often found wearing a Long (almost covering his boots), black Skirt, with some sort of band shirt and Bright lime green arm warmers. Though when Kikani attacks him, he has been seen in all sorts of interesting and fun clothing (which kika has created herself).
•favorite colors Black, red and Lime Green
•extra notes
--He is Obsessed with the color lime green
--He likes to flirt with kika and kira.
--If you do a group you can draw him with Koja (playing with him as a kitty), Coop (wanting to be friends oblivious of any hate like relationship), Sal (petting or playing child like with him), Kirana/Kikani (flirting or little brother like), and Rini (looking at him curiously).
--Likes Marilyn Manson, and most rock bands.
--Loves his green arm warmers more than life itself.
--Is strait but loves to cross dress and ware pretty things.
x (his hair curls up at the end like this)
xx(side of his head shaved like this)