Full Name: Alexiel
Nick Name(s): Alexiel the Temptress, Alexiel the Fallen Archangel, Alexis
Birthdate: 4/29 Age: Three thousand one hundred and two
Sex: Female Race: Fallen Angel Eyes: Blue Hair: Blond Weight: 128lbs Height: 5'7
Marital Status: Single Spouse: N/A Children: N/A
Occupation: N/A Social Status: N/A
Likes: One of Alexiel's guilty pleasures is very succulent cherries. She can't or won't really control herself when someone place a bowl of them infront of her. You could say that she becomes easier to handle for those around her.
Alexiel enjoys being the center of attention, but when it suits her best. Usually she will go out of her way just to get it upon her.
Loves: Alexiel takes the most pleasure in watching something so innocent succum to the darkness within them. She enjoys it so much that she has been known to coax them to the otherside.
It brings Alexiel great satisfaction to hear someone call her their savior. Mainly this is because she is able to feel that someone 'needs' her. But Alexiel will only admit it is because she can easily lead them into forging paradise.
Though Alexiel won't admit it, she takes great enjoy when someone wants her or need her. This is because she can escape her own demons.
Dislikes: One of Alexiel's pet peeves are really weak people; humans that can't coop without substances. To her these beings aren't even worth the blood they are made of. They confuse her at why they haven't taken their own lives if they can't deal with life.
What makes Alexiel tick is having others tell her they are better than her. Though she knows she is not prefect, Alexiel dislikes people saying they are superior to her for they have not walked in her shoes. They don't know anything about her to say they are better.
Alexiel gets annoyed by people the believe her soul can be saved, because she doesn't want the salvation they speak of. she does not want to return to heaven, so she dislikes those that tell her her soul can be redeemed for it.
Loathes: One could say that Alexiel resents the rules of heaven, but the reason for this are alittle unclear. she won't openly state why this is.
Another trigger point of Alexiel's hatred is isolation. Whenever she is alone, Alexiel's demons try to devour her and hate what she has become. When left alone too long, the fallen being has been known to harm herself; as in when she holds herself she lost sight of reality and might accidentally dig into her own flesh.
Fears: Alexiel seems to fear very little. But what she does seem to be really unnerved by is being seal within the marble statue and those that have the power to reseal her. It is her personal hell built with eternal isolation in mind.
Additional Information
Angelic Appearance: Alexiel has two pairs of wings. The longest pair are six feet in span and set up near her shoulderblades. The feathers upon these wings have a blueish tint to them, but their main color is white. Then the other pair are just below her shoulderblades, but only span two feet. They also have the same blueish white feathers.