Misleading Directions
Left. Right, Down the road. Up the Street. On the river. Below the bridge. Above the sea. Under the stars. Things cannot be the solution if it is, in itself, the problem that was previously posed. To build a mound, dirt must be dug from elsewhere to begin. In other words, to rise, others must fall. Others must fall into poverty for you to achieve; others must be buried in the darkness for you to rise in the light. For you to get higher you must stand on someone else. The wretched world we live is is wrought with people scrambling higher, pushing people off, teetering on the edge, and falls off, to begin the chain again, for a chain to exist, there has to be a part that goes backwards to the starting point and possibly beyond, to fall back before moving forward, a modern sushi conveyor belt, so to speak. All reaches for the top, only to have others clamber over them. What this society is made of cannot be called a pyramid, nor a cylinder, it is a flat cube with a miniature spiked tip, barely perceptible unless you are part of it. And yet we all have this feeling that all is well, until you've visited the bottom...
Community Member
I've never seen you this philosophical since... never xd