Basic Information
● Name: Lutsius Johnathan Beige, but is mostly called 'Luts' as it is a lot easier to pronounce, for the name Lutsius on it's own is a mouthful.
●Age: Luts is 44 when he is turned, so his apprearance is of an avrage 44 year old male.
●Gender: Luts was born a male.
●Race: Luts is European,spesific place of birth is unknown.
●Occupation: Luts started of with working on the streets, selling firewood and bricks to make a living and alter in his life as a vampire hunter in an agency, and after that he was hired by 'The Council' and was getting rid of troublemakers of sorts, for them, and again due to their request changed his job to a bodyguard.
●Sexuality: As far as we know Luts is very much straight.
●Hair color/Lenght: light brown and goes down half way to his shoulders.
●Eyecolor: He has a light greenish blue color to his eyes, a bit peculiar to some.
●Skin color: he is white.
●Height: 5'5
●Weight: 195 Lbs
●Built: Luts is muscular to an extent due to his physical training, he runs,jumps climbs trees and does other types of physical activity to keep himself in shape, if not protecting his target he is mostly found training outside, sometimes hand to hand combat or with one of his weapons.
●Distinctive features: Luts has a tattoo of a phoenix on his left abdomen region, which means he worked or is working with a vampire hunting agency called the 'phoenixes' he is simply summoned to search and destroy, but different then cobras whom simply destroy everything on their way.
In the future when Luts was working with the council he and his female companion needed a disguise, so the female companion left him with three claw like marks on his face.
●Clothing: Luts wears a simple brown long vampire hunter overcoat, lined with bear fur on the inside, underneath the over coat he wears a black shirt with leather pants and boots. His weapons are usually in his belt that has hostlers on the side and back. He mostly keeps his spear in the back and daggers in the front and in other places around his body, and his boots.
●Images: [face], [clothing], [tattoo]
●My drawings of him: [Luts]
●Weapons: When we first meet Luts he uses a simple wooden staff, that later on breaks. It is also said in the past he was using silver crosses and holy water whom he later on abandoned due to the physical damage to the creature and the lack of results in his missions. Later on Luts moves onto a staff that is made out of silver and has two spikes on the horizontal ends that come out once you remove the tops.
●Personality: Luts is very disciplined, and can remain calm in almost any situation, but get on his bad side and you'll feel his wrath. If you are his friend he would keep you close by and would help you any way he can, but be you his enemy he would be determined to put your life to an end. Luts can be stubborn and determined to find his enemy, stopping at nothing, but mostly sticking to the orders and not killing unless told otherwise. He can also be touchy when it comes to his past, he would not let too much on about his parents, where he was born and such.
●Theme song: The Scorpions - Send Me An Angel or The Scorpions - Lonely Nights
●Training: Luts began training from a very young age. He was the youngest of the vampire hunters, being only at the age of thirteen when he started and finishing at age twentie. By the time Luts changed from a scared child to a fighter.
His master in combat taught him and the others physical combat with a vampire as well as fighting with spears, daggers and such.
Most of the trainees that were with Luts did not survive once they've met face to face with an angry vampire. Luts was a bit more cautious then the others in his attacks, blocking and hitting instead of just attacking the vampire head on.
●Abilities: Since Luts was turned into a halfling Lut's speed and agility increased. He is now able to travel at a vampiric speed. His strenght increased by a lot,he is now able to make precise hits and finish his enemy faster. He however still eats, about once a week and consumes blood once a week as well.
●History: Lutsius was born in an abandoned factory, his mother, a prostitute, his father is unknown, a child that was not desired from the start, his mother raised him up until the age of eight and then abandoned him at the local marketplace, after finally returning home that evening Lutsius found his mother missing. She left the boy to himself, not wanting to be a single mother with a small child. Luts lived on the streets for five years,eating whatever god sent him, and trying to earn the money he needed to survive, he then met his master whom trained him to become a warrior that he now is. At the age of twentie one, he met the love of his life, they got married and lived together for five years. Her life was short lived due to a raging vampire breaking into the house and draining her to death, Luts fought it off but not before he found his wife dead. From that day on he swore he would avange his wife, the only hapiness he had in life which was so abruptly taken from him.
Luts then traveled all around in searches of the one female vampire who killed his wife. He met 'Hanna' along the way, an ancient vampiress who lived in the forests with her man servant 'Vildar'. Luts and Hanna had a history of hunting each other down, sometimes Luts won sometimes Hanna did. By the time Luts pinned the tail on Hanna, he became somewhat cold, killing with no mercy.
One of the times they've met they fought, Luts was hunting down a vampire while Hanna tried to save him when she didn't need to. Luts ket the vampire attach him head on, and the enraged Vampire bit into his neck, then Luts stabbed him, but not without Hanna's interference, He yelled at her, she yelled at him. They separated, Luts went to venture out, meeting a young lady whom he mistook for Hanna, realizing it was not the right girl he apologized. She told him that she had a realitive named Hanna and it turned out to be her.
That night he was followed by a werewolf and vampire hybrid, who seamingly smelt his scent on his girlfriend, attacking Luts brutally and almost killing him, leaving luts with broken ribs that later on pearced into his lungs. If not for Hanna he would have been dead. Hanna then turned him into a halfling and traveled with him, and later on 'The Council" took interest in him offering him a job, he took it as he had no choice, working for the Council for a cupple of missions until they offered him a job as a bodyguard and Hanna a place in the council.
Luts then moved to work as a Bodyguard for an angelic Princess. 'Yasu' they did not like each other at first but when Luts saved her life, she started treating him better and the two became close. He now serves the princess, who was once an angel and now a Vampire.
●Art done:
Art by Me
Art by Risa_Mousy
Art by Anrith13
Art by Sticky Thighs
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“Not all the leaves have fallen yet.
When I look at the distant mountains,
my heart is filled with yearning
and longs to vanish into them”
― Doppo Kunikida
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“Not all the leaves have fallen yet.
When I look at the distant mountains,
my heart is filled with yearning
and longs to vanish into them”
― Doppo Kunikida