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Dear Diary,
it's all about me!

Booty Grabbing Caused Inflation?

{one sunny day in gaia)
Lanzer: Another good day to start here in Gaia! *opens laptop and login to gaia* =O too much gold entering the Gaia Economy!!!! I need to find out what's happening. D:<

(after 2 months)
Lanzer: So this Dolphinmania site made Booty Grabbing easier! i need to stop this! or else no one will buy gaia cash anymore!!! D:< *contacts the Dolphinmania site owner*

(then hours passed..)
Es-One: I understand your point Mr. Liu. I shall close my site because of it's negative effect in the Gaia economy. T^T

(when the call ended..)
Lanzer: Muwahahahahahaha at last! i saved the day! Besides how can i produce monthly salaries for my employees and my reliable artists and moderators if i won't make the gaians tired of earning gold and go gaia cash? Every company needs an investment anyways for this company to stand still for generations and i need to save this legacy for my dear gaians! Isn't i the greatest Gaian Hero? ;D

Dear Son Zack,
I'm sorry for the 30k+ extra but i can earn it by playing booty grab. Well this is my dream avi since i would like to submit this entry in the arena. I really can't because i can't afford gaia cash at the same time, tired of earning since i only got less a hundred gold in games. Booty grab is really rare nowadays and it's hard to earn. So i think if i can win your tektek contest i can actually submit this entry for me to give the message about what happened about the dolphinmania issue and why it should be closed. It's a wake up call for us and all the gaians who are active to dolphinmania before why the closure should happen. ^^

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  • 05/03/15 to 04/26/15 (1)
  • 08/29/10 to 08/22/10 (1)

  • User Comments: [3]
    CatyBear xD
    Community Member

    Sat Aug 28, 2010 @ 12:38am

    I love it!

    Was -Smexy-Caty-Doll- until i was banned D: Then I was G and V Spot, but i decided to put up a real nickname, so poop.
    CatyBear's Art Shop
    Collecting white inks 2/500 D:

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    Oooh, so YOU wanna talk about mamma's...
    Community Member

    Sat Aug 28, 2010 @ 02:32am

    congrats on winning! I lol'd so hard.

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