Guardian's Name and Brief Description: Baelia; just Baelia.
Baelia honestly used to be a faerie of battle once; she really did, although she’s not anymore. razz Life sucks. Oh, and she takes care of Umbra, did I mention that?
Original Criminal
Name: Auber'on Mab
Gender: Unknown; probably female, although believed to be male because she bluffed her way in.
Crime: Murdered other soldiers making fun of her. Auber’on was being taunted by a higher rank officer and the soldiers underneath him (Mil’tari’s army was a bit bigoted, only males were allowed in) about being feminine, and it struck a nerve. Within minutes, she’d murdered seven soldiers and their commander; and the massacre was discovered by a new cadet making his way to his new living place. She was promptly sent to Gaia right after the former war mage had been-after all, the two were in the same army, it made sense to send them to the same punishment.
Shortened Crime for Certing Purposes: Murdered other soldiers making fun of her. (yes I know it’s the exact same, really.)
Physical Description: (with clothes) (without clothes; markings are a mix of natural+tattoos-pick and choose). Her lower half is that of a white llama's below the llama's neck. She was a llamataur.
Auber'on was also very feminine-bodied: thin, delicate limbs, the whole enchilada of girly bodytypes except boobs. Lucky for her, she was totally flat-chested.
Name and Brief Description of Home Planet: Lived on Teur'masa; the same planet as Jol'tlare, who was Umbra's criminal personality. Specifically, Auber’on lived on the water-surrounded citystate of Mil’tari, which was one of the more vicious states to its’ neighbors-it was well known for having a large military, but quality soldiers were far rarer in proportion than in any other state’s military, pretty much meaning there was an army of mooks and a few elite mooks. Mil’tari tended to train up a few warmages at a time and teach them spells to let them be at every battlefront, mindrape them, and send them out to do battle-this is why Jol’tlare’s overkill was so odd, she shouldn’t have been seen by the cats of Pasi’fis. But the warmage was; and she was sent to Gaia. In the lack in such a powerful tool, the army started to recruit as many soldiers as possible, training them in many different fields-it was this way that Auber’on got into the force.
Personality, Powers, and Anything Else You Deem Necessary: Auber'on was sort of a fragile speedster, in terms of fighting types: she'd get in, slash, and get the hell out before something else grabbed her. She was also very temperamental, and often got into fights in the barracks. Bit of a crazy one, actually; it was this that made her decide to join the army to get some fighting action. That's pretty much it.
First Gaian Life (The stage pictured.)
Name: Didn't quite have one, she ended up homeless and wandering around the forests in the dress she arrived in until Drolic found her and captured her.
Personality and Brief History: This girl came to Gaia and wandered around for a few months in the forest; eating berries and the occasional rabbit she was lucky enough to strangle with tree roots. She arrived in that one dress, and stayed in it; but considering she didn't have a caretaker, that dress stayed pretty darn clean for three months in the woods.
Second New Gaian Life
Name: Erin Pixiewolf
Gender: Female; although can switch
Stage: Kid or Preteen
Physical Description: This. The bolero is actually just huge sleeves to the top.
Erin has hollow bones, very bird-like, and as so she has a very light and skinny frame. She's completely flat-chested, again. Her limbs are extremely long, and she has almost no fat: she has the metabolism of a young boy. Her face is extremely pretty, but in the way that a very feminine boy's might be thought of as pretty! She wears a simple black headband, and lets her 'unicorn hair' hang down to her butt.
Personality: See the woman looking down so far she's looking up? That's a lot like Erin. Erin is a vain little kid, making sure to take care of him/herself-ah, screw it, I'm calling the thing a female since she's naturally female.
Anyway; Erin is vain and a bit aloof, but she simply hides the fact that she is very fragile with hollow bones. She hates to be thought of as wimpy, so she simply acts like everything is beneath her-that way nobody bothers her about it.
Basically, she pisses people off because she acts like it's beneath her to interact with people, but she actually does it to save herself from harm.
Prompt Response: N/A, I'm participating in the RP so have no need to do as so!
also I have no randomprompt because I am lazy as hell. Yep. I didn't have time or the motivation!
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day 14 apocalyptic log
look. i said some embarrassing stuff when i was a smalldae. i get it. ideally we never talk about this again; i hate deleting things, so it stays, but it stays Unseen.
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