Then at school, Asuka and Michiyo were hitting on me...not in that way, mind you. Literally punching me... stare whole body is bruised...
Hee hee hee~! mrgreen Its a national holiday! 'Beat-up-Emi Day'!!
I got to see episodes 133 and 134 of Naruto yesterday. YAY!!! It was killer! One of the best fights I've seen in a while. Although SC 2 Sasuke scared me a tad bit. It was still awesome! I love that ending song...Nakushite Kotoba! I had downloaded it quite some time ago. I mean, I've had it for...3 months or longer...Since beofre fall break. Yeah thats right. 3nodding 'Cause Ii made my Aunt listen to and learn the lyrics to it!
I am obessed with HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR!!! (I'd rather say High and Mighty Color than 'Haikura' although its easier to say.) My computer is a b***h, and it takes forever to download songs, so I'm just going to buy their albums...Or get my Uncle to...Or get Danny to make me a CD....Either one works.. xd

Oh! Yeah! I got a sponcer for my Academic trip! I don't have to get any more money for me to ba able to go. There was NO WAY that I could raise $229 by the 20th! I just need to get spending money now...My Uncle said that he'd give me money for that though. Michiyo and I are rooming together for sure. But I wonder who Mrs. West is going to torcher by putting them with us? I mean, all we are going to do is stay up late, watch anime (on Saturday), RP with Hiei and Sesshy plushies, and talk of the wide varriety of Mafia's there is out there...Ii wanna bring my PS2 THIN!! eek I CAN DO THAT!! It only has 2 cords...YES! *brings fist down in victory, does Emi dance, and does the 'V' sign*
...I feel really sorry for the girl(s) that room with us...
Things are good with Kaito. I'm happy! I mean, really happy! I guess...he's the reason I've been so cheerful for this long. Not once, have I been depressed since we started dating. Jake is the only thing (not that I'm calling you a 'thing' Ejak...I meant as in everything around me, objects AND people... sweatdrop ) that I've been mad at recently. He kept nagging on about his fancy of Kaito being gay and being a girl (which is calling me a Les.). That really makes me mad. Every one isn't so nice to him as it is. Let alone, Penguin Boy saying that s**t. Heh. That dumbass Masa-kun 'broke' his leg. He's got a cast on. Poor thing can walk on it. Which is why he is a dumbass. I agree that if it doesn't hurt, but there is a reason that a cast is on it: your leg is broke, be it a hair-line fracture or not. He wants everyone to treat him as they always do. I am, excpet I'm being a bit more careful around him. Its only on for 2 weels so...yeah....
And thats my little entry for today~! whee
Community Member
Ahh...Me no remember.
That's a good question... I swear that if we end up rooming with Lonna I'm gonna like sleep in someone else's room. i mean, i can stand her in moderation but I won't go so far as sleeping in the same room with her. (And she better not get near SESSHY!! GRRR!!!)
*tch* I'm glad your happy with Kaito. I know what you mean about jake. Seriously, he doesn't know when to shut up (and you also know that i feel that way about a certain someone else to but that's a different story. *cough*).
..Me is gonna have to call Jerrado when I get off. He hasn't called in two days and it's starting to piss me off.
..It kinda freaked me out the other day when Masa-kun told me that "the boy I'm in love with is playing" me. How would he know anything about that? stressed
*sigh* Whatever. I don't care. I'll just go to prom and play poker with Masa-kun and them and be happy.