"This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time<3"



♦Name:Samara (Sammi) Nova Leavold
♦Age:Physically 18
♦Sexual Orientation:Older men
♦Date of Birth:October 14th
♦Astrological Sign:Libra
♦Ethnicity: Half Egyptian, half Brazilian
♦Skin tone:Wavers between mocha and an orange-tan [Reference]
♦Eyes:She has eyes like an owl with black
pupils and golden irises but NO WHITES. [photo reference]
♦Hair: Reddish purple hue (though more so red) with WHITE-BLONDE
HIGHLIGHTS. Her bangs go the right and her hair has a
little bump in the back. It reaches to her waist and falls in gentle curls.
[Exact reference]
♦Bust Size:34D [photo reference]
♦Body type:--
♦Distinguishing features:She has a black, small circular birthmark under each of her
eyes and her nails are naturally black.
Draw her in either outfit OR make your own! She's VERY stylish- vintage chic.
♦Pet Peeves/quirks:--
♦Pets:She has a barred (hoot) owl whom is her best friend. His name is Akil,
Egyptian for Intelligent.
Note:Sammi is often seen playing games or
arguing with the bird as though she can understand him.
(In all reality she can, but to onlookers she appears to be an
absolute lunatic o3o)