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HP2 extract:

Harry Potter was stuck in his room forever, at the Dursley’s. Dudley, Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia had found out he’s not allowed to use magic out of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. His best friends, Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger and Lucy Bonks didn’t write to him all summer. Not even to tell him happy birthday. Have they forgotten him ? Was it fame that made them become friends with Harry ? These were the questions Harry kept asking himself.
Harry wasn’t very popular in the Muggle world. But in the wizarding world, everything was different. He was probably the most famous wizard of all times. When he was a baby, he got a scar in form of a thunder because a dark wizard, Voldemort (You-Know-Who for those who are scared to say his name), tried to kill him, but due to his mother’s protection, Harry survived, but Voldemort disappeared.
This summer was quite warm, but Harry often didn’t walk out of the house. His owl, Hedwig, was beginning to annoy him because he’s not allowed to let her fly out of the house. Uncle Vernon is afraid Harry might write to his best friends and ask for help. So, did they actually forget him ? So should he wait for a birthday card, since his birthday will soon take place, or should he just ignore them, as they did ?
« Sorry, Hedwig, I can’t let you out. » said Harry saddly, looking out of the window.
Lucy Bonks was the first witch Harry ever met at Hogwarts, well, a bit before. When Hagrid, Hogwarts’s gamekeeper, came to take Harry with him, he arrived with a young, beautiful girl. Lucy had long, light blond hair and deep, blue gorgeous eyes. She’s skinny and about Harry’s height. Ever since she stepped into Hogwarts, she was known as the ‘most beautiful girl in whole Hogwarts.’. However, Lucy is often moody, but still very kind, funny and generous. Harry forgot how brilliant Lucy was in Potions. But not only in Potions ! Also in Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology, Defence Against the Dark Arts and probably Care of Magical Creatures. She was like Harry. No parents. Lucy had lived on the streets about four years now, but from the age of one to six years old, she lived with an old, dreadful couple she hated. Of course, she wouldn’t tell anyone about her parents, whether they were famous or not. Harry always enjoyed talking to Lucy. He could understand her as she could understand him.
Ron Weasley is a tall, long-nosed and blue-eyed boy who Harry met at Hogwarts Express, the red train that led to their school. We can say that he likes to eat. A lot. He is quite lazy, but he’s Harry’s best friend. He fancies Lucy since he met her at Hogwarts Express. Everytime Harry remembers the scene, he laughs.
« Sorry, but do you mind if I- whoa… » muttered Ronald, opening the door of the compartement and immediatly noticing Lucy.
« Yeah, sure ! » beamed Lucy.
Ron walked slowly, his mouth hanging wide open. He sat down next to Lucy, still glancing at her blankly. Lucy, feeling uncomfortable, cleared her throat, turned towards Ron, held out a hand and spoke.
« I’m Lucy, Lucy Bonks. »
Ron mumbled some uncomprehensible words and smiled. Lucy frowned at him and turned away.
« Oh, er, ahem. S-Sorry. I-I’m R-Ron Weasley. » he said in a more confident voice.
« Hi ! This is Harry-» she beamed again.
« Potter ? Bloody hell… You really got that-» he swallowed hardly.
« That what ? » asked Harry curiously.
« Scar ? »
« Oh, yeah. » smiled Harry, showing the scar on his forehead.
« Wicked ! »
Hermine Granger is the most intelligent witch Harry has ever met. In their first year, she knew half of the spells they were supposed to learn in their third-year. She is quite pretty, but has brushy, brown hair and a little bit larger teeth in the front. Her knowledge is incredible, Harry thought. Eventhough she’s quite bossy, she still shows kindness towards her most loved one.
« HARRY ! » cried a voice from downstairs.
Harry sighed and opened the door of his small room. Last year, he was living in a small cupboard underneath the stairs, but as Dudley’s room was big enough to fill all his toys and as the Dursleys didn’t know what to do with the second room, they let Harry live in it.
Uncle Vernon was a fat, often purple-faced man with a brown, brushy mustache that looked like a shoe-brush. His wife, Petunia, who was Harry’s mother’s sister, was tall, skinny and had blond curly hair. And their son, Dudley, was fat, had blond wavy hair ad was as annoying as his parents.They all hated Harry, they though he was a waste of space. Harry walked down the stairs and entered the living room.
« Yes ? »
Uncle Vernon was standing in the middle of the living room, although he was time most of the place. He was wearing a Tuxedo, just as his son, Dudley. Aunt Petunia was dressed up in a flower-ish dress. Vernon cleared his throat.
« Mr and Mrs Mason are coming to have dinner with us this evening. And you will not mess around with your stick ! »
« I will open the door and take their coats on the hanger. » smiled Dudley proudly, arranging his tie.
« And I will compliment Mrs Mason and her husband while welcoming them into our wonderful little house. » smiled Aunt Petunia.
« And what will you do ? » asked Uncle Vernon, eyeing Harry suspiciously.
« I’ll stay in my room, pretending I don’t exist. »
« Yes, that’s right. Now go ! If they see you, it’ll ruin my future ! » he barked furiously.
Harry sighed angrily and walked upstairs.
He opened the door to his room and noticed a tiny little person was jumping on his bed. The thing turned around and Harry noticed it wasn’t human.
It has huge, green eyes, about the size of golf. The nose was much bigger, like a banana hanging from the face. It reminded Harry of elephants, because the creature had colossal, flapping ears.
« Harry Potter, sir ! Dobby couldn’t be more pleased ! » said the thing in a very high-pitched voice, bowing so low that his nose could touch the ground.
« Sorry, I don’t mean to be rude or anything, but- who are you ? » asked Harry, frowning at the thing named Dobby.
« Dobby is a house-elf, sir ! »
« A-A house-elf ? I’m sorry, but you can’t stay- the Dursleys-»
« Dobby is very pleased to see the Boy-Who-Lived ! The boy who defeated He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named ! » smiled Dobby.
« Yes, but- what are you doing here ? »
« Dobby came to warn Harry Potter, sir ! »
« Warn- Warn me ? ‘Bout what ? Have a seat and explain everything to me. » said Harry, pulling a stool next to his bed.
« H-Have a seat ? No wizard ever asked D-Dobby to have a s-seat ! » sobbed Dobby.
The house-elf took the stool he was supposed to sit on and started to hit himself with it.
« Stop ! Stop it ! Stop ! » ordered Harry, pulling the stool away from Dobbys’ skinny hands.
« S-Sorry, sir ! », sniffed Dobby loudly, « No one ever asked Dobby to sit down ! »
« Then you haven’t met many decent wizards, then. » chuckled Harry.
« Actually, no, Dobby haven’t. I had to iron my hands to punish meself for coming here ! » said Dobby, showing Harry his hands. They were covered in bandages.
« Punish yourself ? Why ? »
« Dobby was forbidden to come here, sir ! Dobby disobeyed his masters ! Harry Potter must not come back to Hogwarts, sir ! »
« W-What ? »
« Many dangerous things will happen at Hogwarts this year, sir ! »
« What ? No- I- I must go back to Hogwarts ! Hogwarts is my home ! And my friends-» frowned Harry at Dobby, who was goggling at him.
« Friends who don’t even write to Harry Potter, sir ? » asked Dobby suspiciously.
« But- Wait, what ? How do you know ? »
Dobby suddenly made his eyes grow very, very big. He mumbled some indistinclive words, backing up to the door.
« Harry Potter must not be angry at Dobby ! Dobby thought that if Harry Potters’ friends stop writing to him, he wouldn’t return to Hogwarts ! » muttered Dobby.
« Dobby- give- me- the- letters- NOW ! » snapped Harry, trying to keep his voice down, although he felt his temper rising very quickly.
Dobby let out a strange, sharp noise and began to hit his head against the cupboard Harry keeps his books in. Loud footsteps from the stairs made him stop. Harry took Dobby by the back of his pillow case and threw him in his wardrobe. The door opened rapidly and Uncle Vernon appeared in the room, more purple-faced than ever.
« What the devil are you doing up here ?! » he asked furiously.
« Wha- Nothing, nothing. » said Harry, closing the door of the wardrobe, who opened slightly.
« You ruined my joke ! » complained Uncle Vernon.
« S-Sorry. » apologized Harry, closing the door again.
« One more sound and you wish you were never born ! », snapped Uncle Vernon, « And fix that damn door ! » he added, as the door of the wardrobe opened again.
« Yes, Uncle Vernon. »
Uncle Vernon spat on the floor, sniffed loudly and closed the door furiously.
« You really want me to stay here ? » asked Harry, letting Dobby out.
« It’s better to stay here than there, sir… » sniffed Dobby, stumbling on the stool he used to hit his head with.
« Now, give me back these letters ! » ordered Harry.
« No ! » jerked Dobby, slipping between Harrys’ legs and opening the door.
« Dobby, no ! » whispered Harry.
Dobby ran downstairs and stopped in front of the entry to the living room. He considered for a minute the cake that was lying deliciously on the table of the kitchen. Harry stopped, reading Dobby’s mind.
« Dobby, please-» he begged.
« It’s for Harry Potter’s own good. » mumbled Dobby, still looking at the cake. He focused on it and it flew from the table, and levitated slowly towards Mrs Mason.
« Dobby… » sighed Harry. He reacted. He slowly walked after the cake, without making any sound. When he was about to catch it, it smashed on Mrs Mason’s grey, curly hair. Dobby disappeared. Her husband considered her for a minute and burst into laughter, and Dudley joined him. Aunt Petunia immediatly stood up, took a napkin and started to take small bits of cake from Mrs Mason’s hair. Uncle Vernon started to sob and blink very fast.
« I- I’m sorry ! It’s my nephew ! He’s absolutely deranged ! Every time there are strangers in this house, it makes him do anything to get rid of them ! I’m really, really sorry ! It won’t happen again, I promise ! »


« You will never see these freaky friends of yours ! And this odd school ! You’ll never go back ! » barked Uncle Vernon, locking the door to Harry’s room.
Dobby disappeared right after he made the cake hit the guest’s head. Uncle Vernon punished Harry by locking his room and putting bars on his window. The worse of all was that he wasn’t allowed to go back to Hogwarts. And he couldn’t get the letters his friends had sent him from Dobby.
It was already nightfall and Harry was already deeply asleep. He couldn’t stop thinking about Hogwarts. What will the teachers do when they’ll find out he’s not coming back ? And his friends ? What would they do ? Harry suddenly woke up. A very bright light was shining on his eyes. He got out of bed, put his glasses on and look out of the window. A flying, blue Ford Anglia was floating in front of his window, and two people were staring at him from the inside of the automobile. Ronald Weasley was driving the car and Lucy was sitting next to him.
« Wotcher, Harry ! » smiled Lucy.
« Lu ? Ron ? What on-» mumbled Harry, confused.
« Pack your truck as quickly as you can, take Hedwig and get in the car ! » whispered Ron, taking a hook and wrapping it on the bars. The car flew away as Harry threw everything he needed in his truck. The bars broke and fell on the bush underneath Harry’s window.
« Faster ! » whispered Lucy, opening the window and helding out a hand while Harry carried Hedwig’s cage towards the car.
« BOY !!!!!!!!!!!! » shouted Uncle Vernon from the room next to his.
« Quickly ! » said Ron as Lucy placed Hedwig on the seat behind her. Harry threw his truck next to his owl but as he was about to climb in the car, Uncle Vernon slashed the door open and rushed towards Harry, taking him by the leg and pulling him back inside.
« Get away from him, you greedy pig ! » grunted Lucy, taking grasp of Harry’s arm and pulling him as hard as she could (let me remind you that Lucy had lived about already 5 years on the streets so you can’t really doubt that she’s strong).
« How dare you ! » cried Aunt Petunia, who had just entered the room with Dudley dawdling behind her.
Finally, Ron drove away a bit and Uncle Vernon, who was almost falling down, dived down on the bush. Harry got into the seat behind Lucy and closed the door of the car. Ron looked at him and smiled as he was driving into the dark sky filled with stars.
« Ron, concentrate on the road ! » snapped Lucy.
« Er, right. » mumbled Ron, turned back to the front.
« By the way, Harry, happy birthday ! » smiled Lucy.
« Thanks. » panted Harry, massaging his leg where Uncle Vernon took him.
« How come you didn’t answer our letters ? We’ve been dead worried ! » said Ronald, gazing in front of him.
« It’s a long story. » replied Harry.
He explained everything. Dobby jumping on his bed and finishing off by bars on his window.
« So- d’you reckon he’s right ? Mobby ? » asked Ron in a sudden high-pitched voice.
« Dobby. » corrected Lucy, giving Ron a reproachful look.
« Dunno. But if it’s true- what he said about danger at Hogwarts, we’ll have to be more careful. » shrugged Harry.
« But he can’t be back, can he ? Voldemort ? » asked Lucy.
« YOU-KNOW-WHO ! » shouted Ron.
« Let’s hope not. » said Harry, looking at Hedwig.
« We’re here ! » said Ron happily.
Harry looked over Lucy’s seat. Ron’s house was enormous. The ground was covered with glaucous green grass and a fence surounded the house. Chickens were wandering around the dwelling. Many trees encircled the massive home of the Weasleys.
« It’s not much, but it’s home. » sighed Ron as the car landed roughtly on the grounds.
« I think it’s brilliant ! » smiled Harry.
« That’s exactly what I said, but he wouldn’t believe me ! » said Lucy as they all opened and closed the doors of the car.
« And what are you doing here, by the way ? » asked Harry, taking Hedwig’s cage.
« Oh- Ron- invited- me- over- when- he- presented- me- to- his- parents ! » panted Lucy, who was trying to take Harry’s truck out of the car.
« And what about Hermione ? Any news ? » asked Harry, walking towards Lucy and Ron to help them with his truck.
« Dead- worried- ‘bout- you ! » breathed Ron heavily.
« So- what- have- you- been- doing ? » asked Harry, pulling his truck.
« Not- much- really- just- helpin’- Ron’s- mom- cleaning- up- the- Burrow ! », breathed Lucy, taking a step away, « Gosh, are we wizards or not ? Accio ! » she added, pointing her wand at the truck. The truck flew towards her and stopped in mid-air.
« But- we’re not allowed to use magic out of school ! » mumbled Harry, giving Ronald a half-worried, half-curious look.
« Never mind that. » sighed Lucy, following Ron, who was walking towards the house.
He opened the front door and disappeared behind it, followed by Lucy and Harry. There wasn’t much place in the room he just entered. The kitchen was filled with a huge, about five meters long table, and about ten chairs around it. Ron opened a cupboard and helped himself with a chocolate muffin. Harry’s attention was captured by a clock. Instead of numbers, there were scrolls of parchment drawn and each had a different word on it, such as ‘Lost’, ‘Home’, ‘Work’ or ‘In Mortal Danger’. There were ten arrows and each had a picture of a family member of the Weasley tribe.
« Where have you been ? » shouted a feminine voice from upstairs.
Ron gasped and threw the muffin he had almost finished in a pot nearby, filled by a plant. Thunderous footsteps were heard coming down and soon a plumpy woman came into view. She had brushy red hair and she was rather chubby and short. Her face was awfully pink and covered with sweat. Mrs Weasley was wearing an orange dress with green tulips on it and a grey apron.
« Beds empty ! Car gone ! You could’ve been seen ! Of course, I don’t blame it on you, Lucy ! » roared Mrs Weasley, looking furiously at Ron.
« B-But-» mumbled Ron.
« Shush ! »
« But they put bars on his window ! » complained Lucy and Ron in a same angry voice.
« You’d better hope I don’t put bars on your window ! » howled Mrs Weasley, pointing a red, shaking index angrily in Ron’s direction, who gasped in horror.
« But-» protested Harry.
« Oh ! We meet at last ! You must be Harry ! Lucy and Ron were telling me so much about you ! » she smiled, giving Harry a tight hug.
« Ginny also-» grumbled Ron.
« But they didn’t mention how thin you are ! Well, mind you, not as thin as Lucy ! » she said, giving Lucy a reproachful, although still amused look. Lucy sighed and looked at her empty stomach. Ron did the same, although his wasn’t grumbling as a tornado.
« Well, if you’re all here, I’ll prepare breakfast ! » Mrs Weasley smiled.
« Is Dad here yet ? » asked Ron, sitting down next to Lucy.
« No, too much rails. » she answered, shaking her fired red hair saddly as she bended in a low commode.
« Rails ? » frowned Harry in a whisper, so Mrs Weasley wouldn’t here, as she was looking for a pan in the cupboard where Ron stole the biscuit.
« Mr Weasley works at the Ministry of Magic. Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office or whatever it’s called. » muttered Lucy.
« Dad loves Muggles. Thinks they’re fascinating ! » chuckled Ron under his breath.
« I bet if he saw the Muggles I used to live with, he would change his mind just like that ! » said Lucy, snaping her fingers together.
« They were Muggles ? » asked Harry, suddenly interested. He always wanted to find out who these people were.
« Much more worse than that. » sniggered Lucy.
« Good morning, mother. » said a serious voice.
Lucy and Ron turned their heads and saw Percy Weasley entering the kitchen in pajamas. Percy was tall and thin, just like Ron. His hair were rather curly and vivid red colored. He always has a pair of horn-rimmed glasses. He walked and sat down on the nearest chair to the window.
« So, how’s Penelope ? » chuckled Lucy, looking at Percy anxiously.
« Pardon ? » stammered Percy, suddenly turning red and looking alarmed.
« You know, your girlfriend. » she giggled, as the room filled with laughter, except for Mrs Weasley, who had just started to cook, and Percy.
« I-It’s none of your business ! » he stumbled over words.
« Hey, Princess ! Could’ve told us you were making fun of Perce ! » said a familiar voice from the living room.
Fred and George Weasley set foot in the kitchen, laughing. They were both shorter than Percy and Ron, but thinner. Red-haired and freckle-faced, they both smirked at Lucy and Percy. George pushed Ron off his chair and sat on it, and Fred simply sat down on other Lucy’s side.
« Princess ? » muttered Harry, absolutely confused.
« Don’t ask. » she whispered back, before digging into a deep conversation with the twins.
The three pranksters, meaning Lucy, Fred and George, started to talk about the jokes they were going to do on Hogwart’s staff. Percy left the table and dashed to the living room, soon coming back with a massive book. He sat down and opened it, beginning to enjoy his study scan. Harry and Ron simply talked about Quidditch. Ronald explained that his favorite team was the Canons of Chudley, but he thought that Ireland and Bulgaria were great crews too. Mrs Weasley waved her wand once more and plates filled with bacon and eggs flew to each guest at the table. Ron immediatly dug in, making loud noises that made Percy look at him, probably embarrassed to have such a greedy brother. They heard light footsteps and a little girl, about eleven or ten years old, skipped inside the room and dashing towards Mrs Weasley.
« Mommy, have you seen my jumper ? » she asked.
« Yes, dear, it was on the cat when I felt your room. » Mrs Weasley smiled.
Harry looked at the girl carefully. She had radiant red hair and brown eyes, just like her mothers’. She suddenly realized Harry was looking at her, and she turned so red that her face could match her hair. She was stunned for a minute, then raced out of the room. Harry followed the sound of the footsteps from upstairs, and he heard a door closing furiously.
« Ginny. » whispered Lucy, who noticed Harry’s bemused gaze.
« What did I do ? » he asked, blinking.
« She’s been talking about you all summer. A bit annoying, really. » explained Ron, his mouth filled with bacon.
« Chew before choking ! » cried Lucy and Mrs Weasley together.
Ron grunted and continued eating his breakfast.
«But-» mumbled Harry, blinking confusingly.
« Good morning, Weasleys ! » said a happy, masculine voice from the garden.
« Ah ! Arthur ! » beamed Mrs Weasley as a tall, not-so-red-haired man entered the room from the front door.
« Morning, Dad. » said the leprechaurnlike children.
« Nine raids ! Nine ! Been in the Ministry all night ! » sighed Arthur Weasley, making himself comfortable by having a seat next to Harry and attacked the meal Mrs Weasley just placed in front of him.
« Hey, Dad, did you hear something about gnome invasions or anything similar ? » smirked Fred, giving Lucy and his brother an odd, evil glance.
« Actually, I did ! About twelve gnomes attacked Aunt Muriel yesterday ! But I must say, she gave them a hard lesson to forget ! » he chuckled.
The jokers’ smiles faded, and they all looked down at their plate.
« And Malfada got attacked too, but you know her, Molly. Soft character, never hurts a fly, except when she has to, of course-», he said, chewing his bacon and finally noticing Harry’s presence, « And you- who are you ? »
« Oh, I’m Harry, sir, Harry Potter. » mumbled Harry, trying to smile.
« Ooooh ! The Boy Who Lived ! Such a pleasure ! », he said, taking Harry’s hand and shaking it excitedly while Lucy giggled, « So, Harry, you lived with Muggles, right ? »
« Yes, sir. »
« So, can you please tell me what is the exact use of a rubber duck ? » he questionned, while the other Weasleys rolled their eyes.
« Oh- well- er-» splattered Harry, frowning .
Suddenly, a loud, piercing noise made everyone look out of the window. A rather old owl was flying towards the kitchen. Mrs Weasley walked towards the window and opened the half of it. The owl, still, flew right in the other part of the window. The jokers laughed with Harry and Ron while the older persons either sighed or frowned.
« Reminds me of Lucy at Quidditch. » smirked George, giving Lucy an evil glare.
« Really ? You’ve tried Quidditch ? » asked Harry, raising his eyebrows in surprise.
« Well- not exactly, I just thought I’d give it a try-» she muttered, blushing.
« And she was playing pretty well until she got herself stuck on the top of a tree ! » laughed Fred.
« Percy, would you fetch it, please ? » asked Mrs Weasley, who was collecting the empty plates from the table, except Mr Weasley’s, who was still enjoying his bacon and eggs. Percy stood up and as the owl jumped inside the kitchen, he took the several letters it was holding in its beak and sat back in his place, giving the letters a look while the owl slowly flew away and soon out of sight.
« It’s from Dumbledore ! And there’s Lucy’s and Harry’s letters too ! » said Percy, giving the letters to all his siblings and guests.
« He must know you’re both here. Nothing we can hide away from him ! » chuckled Mr Weasley happily.
« Whoa ! The Defence against the Dark Arts books look expensive, Mom… » muttered Fred, handing his own letter to his mother so she can look at it and snatching his twin’s written communication to read it.
Harry looked at his. Most of the books were written by a certain Gilderoy Lockhart, and they did look rather expensive.
« And where are we going to get all this ? » asked Harry, looking up at Mrs Weasley.
« Diagon Alley, dear. » smiled Mrs Weasley softly.
George, Fred and Lucy stood up and walked out of the kitchen, out in the garden.
« Where are they going ? » asked Ron in a worried, high-pitched voice.
« Cleaning the garden, probably. » suggested Mrs Weasley, unnoticing her son’s voice.
« Oh, I’d better come too ! », cried Ron, his ears turned scarlet, « Come, Harry ! »
They both stood up and walked towards the door, but Mrs Weasley stopped in front of their way.
« You’ve got to promise me two things, Ronald ! First, you’ll look after these three hooligans, alright ? God knows what they’re up to- and if you go outside, you’ll help them clean the garden, okay ? I’m ready to bet anything that they’ve got something to do with Muriel’s and Malfada’s attack… » she said, eyeing the window suspiciously.
« Yeah, okay… » sighed Ron, pushing his mother out of the way and entered the garden.
Harry followed his friend and once in the green yard, he looked around and breathed deeply. The grass was high, and the wind was blowing a bit hard. They were surrounded by trees. There was a small treehouse in the tallest tree. Fred, followed by his sibling, was climbing on the ladder leading to it. Lucy was waiting for them in the treehouse.
« What d’you think they’re up to ? » asked Ron blankly.
« Dunno. » Harry shrugged, following Lucy and her colleagues with his green eyes.
« Hey, Harry- what if we- spy on them ? »
« What d’you mean ? » asked Harry, turning to face Ron.
« I’m just- Mom told me to ‘look after these hooligans’ so I’d better listen to here so I won’t get grounded, right ? » he frowned, looking at Lucy.
« I’m not sure- OUCH ! » screamed Harry.
Ron moaned as Fred’s head appeared out of the treehouse’s window and eyed him suspiciously. Lucy jumped out of the treehouse and ran towards Ron and Harry.
« What is it ? », she asked, looking at Harry, who was taking a hard grasp on his left indew, « And may I ask you why are you spying on us ? » she asked, frowning at Ron.
« How- How did you-» mumbled Ron, pointing a shaking index towards the treehouse and to Lucy.
« I lived on the streets, Ronald. You don’t expect me to be weak, do you ? » she asked in a reproachful tone of voice, while Fred and George descended the ladder.
« I- I never-»
« Oh, never mind ! », she snapped, « And what’s wrong with you ? » she asked, looking at Harry curiously.
« I- Something bit me ! » Harry grumbled, looking at his bleeding finger.
« Not them again ! » moaned Ron, Fred, George and Lucy in the same voice.
« Not who again ? » asked Harry, confused and looking bemused.
« The gnomes ! I thought we took the whole lot ! » shouted Lucy, stamping her foot.
« Lu, they never leave-» said Ron.
« Oh, shut it ! Fred, get the Beater’s bat, not the bat you slipped into Ginny’s room ! George, take two brooms ! Ron, a net, quick ! Harry- just- stay here ! » she ordered.
« Hey ! What about-» complained George as Fred and Ron walked away.
« JUST DO IT ! » she shouted.
Georges’ eyes widened with fear and ran away, behind his brothers’ steps. Soon, they came back with all the things Lucy shouted for.
« Fred, George, get on the brooms and take the net and try to catch as many gnomes as you can ! Ron, you- ugh, gimme that bat ! Ron, you catch gnomes and throw them to me ! » she said.
« And what about me ? » moaned Harry.
But she already walked way, following a small gnome on the grass, sometimes kicking it.


« Come on, kids ! » shouted Mr Weasley.
Everyone was in the dusty living room. All of the youngsters were wearing cloaks with the Gryffindor logo on them.
« Alright, Harry ! You go first ! » beamed Mrs Weasley, showing Harry the fireplace.
« Mom ! Harry never travelled by Floo Powder before ! » shouted Ron, frowning at his mother.
« Ooooh… Alright then, Ron, you go ! »
The freckled boy grunted and took a small bowl filled with black sand. He walked inside the fireplace, mumbled something and threw the small amount of powder. Harrys’ and Lucys’ eyes widened as their friend disappeared in a flash of bright, green flames.
« Lucy, go one ! » said Mrs Weasley, taking her hand and driving her in the chimney.
« All you’ve got to do is to take some Powder- there- and you throw it and shout clearly ‘Diagon Alley’ ! Alright ? » said Mr Weasley, taking some Powder from the bowl and giving it to Lucy, as she nodded nervously. She obliged and under Harry’s nervous eye, she evaporated the same mysterious way as Ronald.
« Harry, come here, dear ! », beamed Mrs Weasley, pushing Harry kindly towards fireplace. Harry swallowed hardly as he got placed inside the terrifying chimney. He took some of the Floo Powder and gave Mrs Weasley a curious look.
« Remember, dear, Diagon Alley ! Speak very clearly ! Go on. » she said softly.
« Diagonally ! » Harry shouted, not noticing he had just made while he vanished.
« What did he say ? » asked Mrs Weasley in a worried tone.
« Diagonally. » nodded Percy and Mr Weasley.
« I thought he did… » she mumbled under her breath, biting her lip.
Harry looked around, although his broken glasses didn’t make things better. He was inside a dark, large room, filled with objects that made Harry tremble. He saw a small light and walked towards of it, hoping it would lead him to the right way. An odd man behind a table was eyeing Harry suspiciously, as if it wasn’t the right place to be right now. Harry gave him a shy smile and walked outside. The small alley he entered was as dark as the shop Harry has just been in.
« Borgin & Burkes ? » he murmured, looking on the plaque stuck on the large vitrine. The young boy turned around and wandered where his instinct told him to wander. Strangers were grinning at Harry as if he wasn’t one of them. Suddenly, an old, hook-nosed woman stumbled towards him, putting a skeletic hand on his shoulder.
« Are you lost, my dear ? » she smiled. Her teeth were absolutely black and disordered.
« N-No, I’m fine, thanks. » muttered Harry, taking a step away. He suddenly noticed that he was in the middle of a weird-looking crowd, all glancing at him.
« HARRY ! » shouted a strong, familiar voice.
Harry looked up the passage and noticed his friend Hagrid moving heavily towards him, pushing the people surrounding him. Hagrid looked like a giant, Harry thought. He had brushy, black hair escorted with a beard in the same state. He often wears a moleskin coat. Hagrid is mostly known for being the game-keeper of Hogwarts. He lived in a hut near the enchanted school.
« What the ruddy heel are ya doin’ here ? Never mind that now, let’s go an’ find someone. » said Hagrid, nudging Harry forward. They were now walking out of this sinister, mysterious street and they turned to face Diagon Alley.
« What the hell were ya doin’ n Knockturn Alley ? Place filled with dark wizards ! Don’t want to see ya’ there ‘gain, Harry ! » he growled, making his way through the multitude of people.
Diagon Alley was always filled with witches and wizards. It was a small pathway with shops, such as Ollivander’s, the wand shop, Fleurish & Botts, the book shop and Gringotts, the wizarding bank.
« Hagrid ? And what were you doing back there ? » asked Harry suspiciously, looking up at Harry.
« Needed to buy somethin’ ‘gainst slugs. Invaded school, mind ya ! »
« Really ? » said Harry, his eyebrows raised as he waved to his friend Dean Thomas, who waved back but talked with his best friend Seamus Finnigan.
« Harry ! » cried a high-pitched, girlish voice.
Harry had to get on his toes so he could see who was screaming his name. Over few heads, he noticed his best friend Hermione Granger skipping of happiness in front of the book shop. Her brushy, brown hair had changed, although it was hard to noticed because it was jumping up and down. He smiled and pushed the crowd with his elbows to get to her.
« Hermione ! It’s so good to see you ! » he smiled.
« It’s so nice to see you too ! », she smiled back, « Where have you been ? Everyone’s been so worried ! »
« What d’you mean ? »
« I came here with my parents. And we met Lu, Ron- well, the Weasleys- and they said you’re lost ! »
« Really ? »

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