...Scary but could be true
So I started feeling sick last night, and was still feeling sick today, but this evening...I started going blind in my one eye, couldn't see in certain spots, it was scary as hell and now I've got the killer migraine from hell. So I did what any normal person would do, I hope, and started to look it up online and something that came up I did not like one bit...brain tumor...then I started to research brain tumors, and didn't like what I read even more. It turns out I've been having symptoms for a brain tumor for a good while now and didn't bother to look into it because I kept thinking my headaches were from stress. What happens now if I get this checked out and find out all along I've had a brain tumor and its spread so much from being unchecked it can't be removed?...I want to talk to Raven and Alex about Alex's but...after our depart and me being so cold finally I'm not so sure it would go over well or if Alex ever really had a brain tumor. I guess it wouldn't be horrible to just try....=/.